52 - Chapter Fifty-Two - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I went and grabbed a shower while Lev went and got groceries. After that, I went to the office space in the condo. The laptop here was the same type as the one on the island. It made me wonder if he had picked them all up while they were on sale, or if he just really liked this laptop style. Getting into the laptop, I pulled up the meeting program and rang Maddox. We didn't have a scheduled meeting today, but I was hoping he was around and could take my call. He picked up almost immediately.

"Hey Alessio, what's up?"

"Hey Maddox, sorry for the strange call. You think you could get my underbosses on this too? Or send out a memo and we can pick a time here to talk."

"Hold on, I'll send out a mass text. Just give me a few moments."

"Please, take all the time you need."

Maddox disconnected, and I sat in the chair, relaxing. My phone rang and Sasha's name flashed on the screen. Picking up, he didn't even give me a minute to say hi.

"Alessio, give me the address for where you are. Ryer and I are on our way. Lev is aware we are coming. He gave us the city, but I need the address."

"Sasha, Why?"

"Look, I don't feel comfortable telling you why right now. I'm still at the compound and I'm not sure I think that's safe. But, we are coming to you. When we get there, I'll explain."


I gave him the address after hunting down something with the information and sighed when he got off the phone with me. If Sasha felt like it wasn't safe, that was telling. It left a really uncomfortable feeling inside my chest.

I heard Lev come back shortly after. He opened the door to the office, and I took a deep breath.

"Sasha and Ryer—-"

"I know." I whispered, smiling at him.

"He called you too, huh?"

"You didn't give him the address. I had to hunt down something with the address so I could tell him."

"We aren't even back for eight hours and it's already starting."

"Please, I figured this was going to be the case." I muttered..

"Between you and your father, I'll never get any sleep." He joked.

"Yes, you will. Beside me. And I sleep just fine while there is someone trying to murder me."

"I don't. I don't like you having a price on your head, Alessio."

"Won't be the last time, and it isn't the first."

"If by my choice, I would make this a show for the other families that you are not to be targeted without knowing the outcome." Lev said darkly.

"You are scary enough without needing to make an example out of anyone." I chuckled.

"Is that so?" He said, eyebrow raised at me.

"Not for me, you don't scare me. It's a little late for you to scare me."

"Why is that?"

"I know what you look like naked, and the things it does to me. Scaring me, that doesn't make the list." I snorted.

"I see."

"Moving on to something else... Do you think Ryer will be friendly with you?"

"He must know by now that I have no romantic interest in Sasha. I have you, Alessio. For me, there is no other."

"I guess we will find out. From what I have seen, he is fiercely protective of Sasha and anything to do with that man."

"I know the need to protect something you value."

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