34 - Chapter Thirty - Four - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev set out the pills for me, a sandwich and a glass of some kind of juice on the kitchen island. Watching him from the living room couch proved harder than I thought. While I was lying on my back, my head tipped back over the arm. The sky got dark as night fell.

"Come eat."

"I'm busy."

"You are not."


"Alessio, just accept this is how things are. The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be."

"Says the one who ran away when I started showing him affection." I hissed under my breath, pretty confident that he didn't hear me.

Lev made himself a sandwich too, and they weren't just meat and bread, they were pretty fancy. Meat, fancy bread, cheese, sauces and some kind of vegetables. I wasn't looking at this point; I was just shoving it in my mouth and chewing, so that I could take the pills.

"Hmm, it seems like we are in for a thunderstorm tonight." Lev hummed, looking at his phone.

"Thunderstorm?" I said with a mouth full of sandwich.

"Chew and swallow before you speak, Alessio. Mind your manners."

I rolled my eyes, but still chewed and swallowed before speaking again. "A thunderstorm. Do they get bad here?"

"They can, but I wouldn't be too worried. It's safe. We are pretty high up from the water."

"Right. So where can I locate the life jacket I'm going to be sleeping in tonight?"

"You will not need a life jacket to sleep in."

"Says you, Lev! I don't trust you! Did you forget that?"

"Alessio, you will be fine." He replied, his tone a little aggravated now.

"Yeah. No."

"You can sleep beside me if you're that scared."

"No thanks, I'll pass."

He had it with me and took his empty plate to the sink and left me at the table by myself. Finishing off the sandwich, I took the pills he left out with the glass of juice and washed the dishes. I wanted to know what he was doing and where he was going.

I found Lev in what looked like an office he hadn't shown me earlier. He looked up over the laptop on the desk, and from the look, it was clear that he didn't want me in the office. Respecting his boundaries, I walked off slowly elsewhere. His room was the large master bedroom. The bookcase on the wall was filled with books, most of them having something to do with crime or murders. Amusingly enough. Looking around his space, I was compelled to look through his things, much like he had done with my stuff. But I reigned that feeling in, and instead, just looked around the room at all the things he had left out.

The four-poster bed in the room was an interesting choice, but complemented the space nicely. The grey bedding looked nice against the black metal of the headboard, footboard, and posts. I wondered how many other people he had brought here. This place looked the most lived in. Out of all the places he had shown me.

I touched the blanket on the top of the bed, and it was soft. But it also looked so damn comfortable. Leaving his room, I took one of his pillows with me. He wouldn't notice. There were five other pillows on the bed. He wouldn't miss it.

I took it back to the room where I was going to sleep. The bedding was also grey, just darker. Peeling off the sweater and the shirt, I crawled into the bed and yanked the covers over my head because I was too lazy to turn off the light.

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