08 - Chapter Eight - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I didn't know what time it was when I finally woke up, But I was tucked against Lev's entire side, and he was warm. Not too warm, just warm enough to make me want to get away from him, and his heat. His threat was still in my head, and I moved over towards the colder sheets. If I was going to have to share a bed with this man again, the temperature of the room was going to drop. It was too hot to be under the blankets with this man.

Sleeping beside him was weird, but I also understood that there was nowhere else for him to sleep right now, where I wasn't worried he would take off again. Not to mention, for whatever reason, he was concerned about my lack of sleep.

"Where are you going?" He groaned. The pain in his voice was enough to wake me up completely. He had his eyebrows furrowed and looked so uncomfortable.

"I'm going to get you some pain medication. You're clearly in pain."

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep. You need it."

"God damn it Lev, you're in pain. Fuck my sleep. I'm going to get pain medication."

Getting out of bed, I didn't miss Lev's annoyed sigh. I didn't get why he was concerned about me, but I didn't like that he was ignoring his own wellbeing. I darted down the hall, out of the door, down towards the stairs to the first basement. Rounding the corner, I slammed into someone. Whoever it was reached out and grabbed me, holding me up.

Looking finally to see who it was, Alexi, Creed and my dad stood there.

"Where the hell are you going at that speed?" Alexi asked, clearly the one I smacked into.

"Lev needs pain medication. When we woke up, he was in pain, but he was more worried about me and my sleep."


"We shared the bed last night. I couldn't sleep on the couch and I would not let him sleep there."

I couldn't ignore the look on my dad's face at hearing he had slept beside me in the bed. I was wasting time, though.

"I can talk about this later. He needs pain medication."

My dad grabbed me before I could dart away again.

"When you're done, come see me. I have the day off. You two are going to need food."

"Alexi and I can make you a couple of things too. That way, you won't have to worry about food for Lev and you."

"I appreciate that, But I really have to go."

I shook off Dad's hand and bolted down the hall and down the stairs. In my panic, I forgot my phone and had to use the keypad on the door. Opening the door when the lock flipped, I walked right into the office and found the keys for the medicine cabinet where the good painkillers and other things were. I wasn't sure the level of pain Lev was in, but I grabbed the same pills that I gave Sasha for his spine. I wasn't worried about overdosing Lev with two pills like Ryer had done to Sasha. Lev was larger than Sasha.

With pills in hand and everything back where it was supposed to be, I bolted back up to Caleb's wing. Creed was just heading in the door when I came down the hall. He held the door open for me, and I ducked under his arm. He had a change of clothing in his hand for Lev.

"Thanks Creed. I forgot my phone."

"I figured so."

"Where's Alexi? Didn't feel like coming too?"

"He has a meeting with Maddox. They are discussing putting new houses on the property. A couple of smaller single-family homes, like the ones they used to have but a little different, It would free up a bit more space in the complex. Maddox is also looking at purchasing an apartment building on the edge of town for more of the guys working for us."

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