29 - Chapter Twenty - Nine - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Maddox found me as we were leaving for dinner and pulled me aside. He waited for Matteo and Lukas to be inside the other part of the garage. I appreciated that.

"Alessio. Sasha and Lev brought it to my attention that you have a hit out on you from another family."

"Oh, yeah. Sasha told me, I'm not worried. I'll just be safer until I deal with it."

"Alessio, do you have a weapon on you?"

"Yes, a handgun. It's the car."

"Make sure you have it on you. For the time being, try to limit your time outside of the complex or bring someone with you. I know you won't want to stay confined to the house and as a don you can't be."

"I'm good at being a little safer, but don't mention any of this to my dad. Don't make him worried about me. I don't want him to get hurt. He has way more to lose than I do."

"Who has more to lose than you—-Oh shit." Alexi said, standing in the doorway.

"Alessio has a hit out, and Andrei is not to find out. That's an order." Maddox said sharply.

"Understood. But your dad is going to be livid with you, Alessio. He might just cash in on that himself." Alexi replied.

"He won't find out, and I'll deal with it before then." I sighed.

"We will deal with it before then." Maddox said.

"Anyway, we can talk about this after dinner or in the next meeting with my guys." I said, unlocking my car.

"That would be best. Be cautious Alessio." Maddox said as Alexi walked off, Creed right behind him.

"Got it." I replied.

Maddox was still in the garage as I backed out. I was thankful he didn't tell my dad right away, and I knew that if my dad found out, we had left him out of the loop that we were all on the same sinking ship. Regardless, it just had to be done this way.

Alexi was ahead of me most of the drive until I passed him because he was driving like a grandmother. We pulled into Nonna's at the same time, and it was a race to get inside. Though it was a pointless one because she would slough both of us grandchildren off for Creed. Nonna loved him. It wasn't a secret either; she made it publicly known.

She greeted us when we came inside, but waited for Creed and gave him the biggest of hugs.

"If you want drinks, you know where they are. Help yourselves."

Heading to the kitchen, I snagged a cup, hunted her shelves for a couple things: orange juice, a lemon clear pop and some pomegranate syrup. The drink was pleasant and sometimes too sweet, but it was easy to fix. Just use less of the syrup. After making my drink, I tossed a couple of ice cubes in the cup and headed back to the dining room.

Nonna always hosted us at the diner because it was a larger space than her home and she didn't want us kids there to mess up her house. We were practically forbidden from her house. Dad and Lukas were the only ones who went to her house. Matteo was looking around, taking it all in. There was evidence of Nonna smooching him on both cheeks.

I found it funny. He spotted my drink and gave me a face. So I passed my drink off to him and went back and made another one. Nonna and dad were having a deep discussion in Italian and kept looking over at me. I assumed they were talking about one of two things, my new position or Lev.

"Sio, you will find someone else. I know you will, or he will come to regret his words." Matteo said, looking at me.

"I don't think we'll ever be the way you think Matteo, He doesn't like me that way. I don't even know if he liked me at all." I sighed.

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