51 - Chapter Fifty-One - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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One boat ride later and all my things, here we were on the plane back. I was definitely on edge about this. Lev knew this too. He kept reassuring me this was all going to be fine. I gripped the seat handles as the plane took off. Once in the air, Lev spoke to me again.

"Don't worry too much Alessio, We aren't heading right back to the complex, we are stopping at my condo for a few days, we have enough leeway for a week stop there, but I figured you would want to get home sooner than that."

"I'll let you know how I feel when we get there and I'll sleep properly for a night."

"Sleep now, I'll wake you—-"

"No. Not happening. I hate sleeping on planes. I'll sleep once we get back to the condo."

"Alright. But if you change your mind, I have some sleeping pills. Natural ones, but they will help."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I wanted to fight with him about it, but I threw in the towel and spoke.

"Alright, I'll take the meds."

He seemed a bit shocked, but pulled out the box and I read them over before popping the two the bottle suggested and swallowing them with my bottle of water.

"If you manage to sleep, I'll wake you before we land."

"Alright. Sounds good."

Closing my eyes, I sat that way for a long time. When I was sure the meds weren't working for me, that was when they actually seemed to work. Slowly, I was becoming less aware of Lev's breathing and the surrounding sounds until it all just faded out.

Lev woke up true to his word before the plane started to land. He helped me buckle up and get ready for landing.

"How was your sleep? It looked restful from where I was looking."

"Feels like I got some decent sleep, but I'll let you know once I'm fully awake."

I closed my eyes as the plane landed. Lev slipped his hand into mine and I was thankful for that. I could handle plane rides, but I wasn't the biggest fan of them. Once we came to a complete stop, that was when I finally opened my eyes and sighed.

"You lived." Lev chuckled.

"Seems like it."

"Now off the plane to relax for a few days and then home."

"I miss the Island already." I hissed, letting him know my feelings on the matter.

"You—We can go back anytime you would like, Alessio. Just say the word. As long as you will not affect others' work by not doing your own."

"Right. I have more work now. And if I don't do it, it affects others. I also probably have so much to catch up on with medical and everything that has gone on."

"Breathe. You can get back to your medical wing shortly."

Lev led us off the plane, and through the airport after we got all our bags. He went to get the car from a parking lot while I waited with the bags by the front door. He didn't take long at all, but I kept watch while he was gone. I helped load all the bags when he pulled up.

Once I was sure he had everything, I got in the passenger side and buckled up. I dialled Dad's number to let him know we had landed. He picked up right away and Lev jumped into the SUV at the same time.

"Hello Alessio."

"We touched down. We lived."

"Hello to you as well, Lev."


"We might be back in a few days or up to a week. Right now nothing is set in stone, but expect us."

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