06 - Chapter Six - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I had missed out on the family dinner because I stayed and looked after Lev. That meant sleeping in the medical wing, too. He was a little less pale today, but the man was trying my damn patience. Sasha had been in to bring us both breakfast and find out how Lev was doing. He told me that Ryer was salty about having to be the one to give Lev blood, but he wasn't regretting it.

At this moment, Lev was hollering for me from the bed right outside. He had taken to calling me 'Tiny Andrei' or 'Carbon Copy' even after I told him my name again, several times. The man was bloody annoying, and he knew it.

Leaving the desk, I took my stethoscope and debated just choking him out with it, but that would void all the work I had done the day before, keeping his annoying ass alive.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Relax, tiny Andrei. I wanted to tell you I'm feeling some pain in my side."

"For the last fucking time. My name is Alessio. A-L-E-S-S-I-O. Do you understand?"

"Got it, tiny Andrei."

"I have to walk away before I murder you."

"Now that isn't very nice, Alessio Matteo Concetta Mihail."

I whipped back around after Lev used my full government name, right down to my middle name, which it shocked me he knew. Since I had told no one.

"How the hell—-"

"I have some friends in high places."

"It would seem so."

"I find it very fitting you have your grandfather's name as your middle name. Matteo suits you as a middle name."

"I want to know who the hell gave you that information."

Lev smiled at my anger, before the phone in which he came with turned around and he showed me his recent calls and texts. My mother's number stuck out among the rest of the numbers, and I was livid.

"How the hell do you know my mother?"

"Same way I know your father, we run in the same circles. I knew your grandfather, too."

"I would appreciate it if you don't speak about me with my mother. Thank you."

"So prickly about it. You kept asking me to call you by your name. I did."'

"You called me by my full government name, which you shouldn't even know!"

"I shouldn't know the name of the Heir to the Concetta family?"

"I am not the Heir! I don't fucking want it anymore. I don't know why people cannot fucking get that!" I screamed at Lev in frustration.

"Alessio. Relax."

"No, I don't think I fucking want to! You don't even ‌understand the bullshit and utter garbage this week has been for me and now—----"

I hadn't realized I had gotten close enough for Lev to reach out and grab me. But he had. When he yanked me caught me off guard.

"Stop screaming at me and take a deep breath. I understand you have had a terrible week, and I'm sorry about that."

After a deep breath, I composed myself again. Feeling embarrassed about losing my temper on him, that was the Mihail genetics in me. He was only playing around. It was pretty clear.

"If you don't mind me asking now that you've calmed down a little, about the elephant in the room. Caleb."

Heavy emotions stirred up in me again, and I had to sit on the edge of the bed. Where Lev had seemed to conveniently make space for me to.

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