45 - Chapter Forty- Five - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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This was going to be the hill that I was choosing to die on and Lev would not like it. But what just said changed everything, and he was refusing to acknowledge that. Thinking for a moment before I spoke again, I started my words carefully.

"Lev, I know this might not seem like a vast deal and one or two episodes a year is a small number compared to others, but you really do need to take this seriously. This was information I should have known when I had to fix you up. Twice, need I remind you. This changes a lot, Lev. Right down to the medicines that I can treat you with."

"Stop making it a big deal. I've had it for a decade and had no issues." He hissed.

"This is because of a brain injury, then?"

"Originally, I'm sure. But stress causes me to have the attacks, or that's what they believe."

"How is it I have never seen you have an episode, or take the medication before now? Your life is far from peaceful."

"Good luck probably."

"And what happens if you were to have a seizure in the middle of a mission, huh? You are just going to drop and hope that someone doesn't take you out! God, You shouldn't even be doing this job. You could get someone killed."

"You are making baseless claims about things that haven't happened and I—-"

"Yet! Haven't happened yet!"

"I'm done speaking about this with you. It doesn't even concern you." He snapped.

"You are wrong! It does fucking concern me. Besides being a doctor who has treated you and will no doubt have to treat you again, I care about you. Deeply and I don't want to see anything happen to you that can be prevented."

"Stop caring. It won't get you anywhere." He hissed, getting up and trying to leave the living room.

"Sit your ass down. You are in shape to be walking around."

He shoved past me and walked down the hall and into his office. Sighing, I dropped it. I could go in there and force him to talk to me more, but I was learning with Lev. That it wasn't a good idea for either of us. We would just fight and the actual part of the conversation would be lost.

Heading into the kitchen, I cleaned up the mess of broken glass and grabbed an apple and a water bottle out of the fridge before heading outside. I walked out to the deck and sat down on the very end, letting my feet hang over. Still a fair distance from the water.

Lev was ignoring a very serious medical problem, and I hated that. But there was little I could do about it. He would not listen to me about it. As far as he was concerned, he was functioning just fine and had for the last ten years.

Chewing back my apple, I tossed the core into the water. Surely there was something that would eat it living here. The sun felt great on my skin and I just sat there soaking it in until I felt a little sunburnt. Grabbing the water bottle, I headed inside. Lev was cooking when I got back inside and we said nothing to each other. I put the bottle in the recycling bin he had and went to his spare bedroom. When he was ready to talk about his seizures, I would be here.

I knew I was just as bad, with my anxiety, but his medical issue he was ignoring was far worse than mine. Laying back on the bed, I stared up at the ceiling listening to his every movement. He had taken the medication and I'm sure that would help, but I was positive that he was supposed to be taking it every day, not just after a seizure. After all, the bottle said take one daily. But I had never seen him take them at all.

I wondered how many people actually knew about his seizures and if he had actually told anyone at all before I found out. I was sure that Maddox had to know. They seemed pretty close on the scale of people he was willingly around. Hell, Maybe even my dad knew about his seizures.

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