19 - Chapter Nineteen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I was furious about my phone, but Lev gave me little time to vent about his actions. He forced me back to the table and made me take part in the conversations. When I didn't, he gave me a harsh look. Creed and Matteo were watching some documentary on the TV in the livingroom and I was seething with anger still. Lev's hand was on my thigh, holding me in the chair. I could do damage to him if I really wanted to, but I didn't.

I liked Lev. I didn't want to hurt him.

But he was pushing it and I was worried I was going to do the unthinkable and snap at him, too. Matteo had been right, though, and that was the thing that got under my skin. I had abandoned all my responsibilities. And I had placed all that on him, and that was wrong. I had two choices, one far easier to do than the other.

I didn't know what one was the right choice. It was a lot to think about.

I couldn't even use my phone to call my mother to tell her what I was thinking, or even my choices. I wanted my freedom, but what cost would it be to get my freedom? My little brother's freedom. As much as I thought I could be ok with forcing the position on him, he pushed doubt into me. I wasn't ok with having his freedom stripped from him because I wanted to be selfish.

"Dad, let me borrow your phone."

"Alright, but—-nevermind, I don't want to know." He said, Sliding the phone across the table at me.

Opening his phone, it surprised me to find he had my mother's number in his contacts, and it was respectful. Just labelled Alessio's mother. I hit the phone and brought it to my ear; It was later in the evening there, but she picked up almost immediately.

"Andrei, what do you need, did something—-"

"Mom, It's me. I had to use dad's phone, mine had an accident. I think we should talk about my position with our family and my birthright."

"Alessio we—-"

"Before you say anything else, I'm going to step up as the Don. But on my own terms, and you will not like them. But I would rather Matteo have his freedom."

"Alessio. I didn't want this for you." She said, anger lacing her tone, but not yelling at me.

"I don't want this for Matteo." I said, not backing down from her.

"Alessio, we should talk about this some other time. You can't just decide—-"

"I only thought to call you and let you know that I have every intention of taking over our family."

"And what about the medical career you worked so hard on?" She screamed, and I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"That's what you wanted for me, mom. I didn't want that, but I won't leave Maddox in the dark. I'll do both, even if I run myself thin. Those are my responsibilities, after all."

"Alessio! You will work yourself to death! Think clearly about this!" My mother screamed again.

"If it's what I must do, then so be it."

"Alessio, don't be like that. You know you don't have to do this." My mom whispered. Trying her caring voice to reason with me, but I was used to that from her. It didn't work on me anymore.

"You know I need to. We both know it. I don't see why you don't just see the truth, mom. You can't take this position over and hope to do it for another few years. They were pushing for me to take the position from the beginning. As soon as grandfather passed, the underbosses wanted me to take the position. You know this."

"Alessio, it is more work than I want you to have to shoulder, but I understand. You have your mind made up. Let me speak with your father."

I passed the phone back to my father and let my head hit the table with a very loud thunk. There was no going back now. It was done. I needed to make Maddox aware of this situation, but I really didn't know how to bring it up without fearing he might toss me out.

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