36 - Chapter Thirty - Six - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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When we parted, I was breathless. But one thing was clear: Lev was confusing me beyond belief. He said this couldn't happen and now that he had hidden me away; he was showing me affection again.

"Lev, please don't take this wrong, but you're confusing me. You said we couldn't do this, now... that just happened and I don't understand."

"It's dangerous, I'll admit it. Us being this close isn't smart, But I want to, I want to touch you Alessio."

"Lev. I—"

"Alessio, The first time I saw you, I was interested in you. But you had Caleb... And I won't get in between an active relationship, contrary to what Ryer thinks of me."


"Alessio, I passed two hospitals on my way to you." He said, taking my hand and touching his side with it, the scar still there and raised.

"Stupid man. You could have died."

"Well worth it, But also, I was ok with having sex with you, before I left, but you were high on something, and it felt wrong. I didn't want you to be high while I touched you intimately."

"I wanted to have sex with you, But I couldn't. I couldn't go through with it. I felt dirty. The way I asked, it was wrong. I shouldn't have ever asked that from you." I said, yawning.

"You should rest. I need to get up and head to get groceries. Anything you need?"

"Clothing, boxers. Size—"

"I know the size of your clothing."

"I don't know how I feel about that."

"I know a lot about you Alessio, both from watching you, but also looking at your surroundings."

"Right. Ok. Well, I'll be here. I might be sleeping, but I'll be here."

"Where's your phone so I can plug it in before I leave?"

"Spare bedroom nightstand, I do believe."

"Alright. Sleep well."

I waited until I was sure Lev wasn't coming back to the bedroom before I stole his pillow, but also before I sighed. What was this man up to? For a moment it was bliss again, but then it all came back in. The pain, anger and sadness, all caused by his actions before. I could sit here and think about it until the earth stopped spinning, and I was sure I still wouldn't understand.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in Lev's pillow deeply and content filled me. I hated that his scent alone was this comforting, and I wanted to hang onto every sweet word he said like law in my lawless world.

I waited for a few more minutes, and I pulled myself out of the bed again. I couldn't get comfortable now. I used this as a chance to look around through his things in his room. Flicking on the light, I crossed my arms and debated where to look first.

His closet seemed like a good place to start. He would be gone for an hour at the least. Sliding the door open, it was a pocket door and the inside of the closet was large. Nothing was out of the ordinary, though. It looked like your standard closet, right down to the organizers. I was pleased to see the watch I bought him there. The box was open, but the watch was still in it. I really hoped he did like it.

Closing the door again, I debated his dresser, but that wasn't where I wanted to look. The actual spot I wanted was his office. I wanted to know why he didn't want me in the space; he had clearly given me a look telling me I wasn't welcome there.

If the door was open, then I would go inside, if the door was closed. Then the space was off limits. Plain and simple. I wouldn't go into anything that was locked. At least not anything of Lev's, and he hadn't told me verbally to stay out of his office, so if it was open, then it was fair game.

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