21 - Chapter Twenty - One - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev frowned, but I didn't see the reason he made that face. All I told him to do was to get dressed in better clothing. We were going to make a house call. He knew where I wanted to go, but he didn't make a move even as I dressed in jeans and a sweater. If he didn't want to come, that was fine. I could go on my own. I knew I had a handgun in the room somewhere, but where was the question? It was a bad idea to go unarmed and without my ID to prove who I was to these chumps working out of my house.

Kneeling down, I checked under the bed and spotted the gun case. Pulling it out from under the bed, I checked the case and entered the code. The gun case popped open and my gun looked shiny and well looked after, but that was only because I had stored it away for months. I couldn't even remember the last time I fired the thing.

When I looked up again, Lev was on the phone and I knew the voice on the other end. My father. This man had fully ratted me out. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and went to load my clip for my gun.

Lev was dressed when I returned, and he was still on the phone. He took one step towards me and I spoke.

"Don't bother. I can handle this on my own."

"Nope. It's me or your father, His words not mine. Your choice."

"Of course."

Lev followed behind me as we both put on shoes and I snagged my keys off the hook. I would take Lev over my dad, just because Lev would bitch a lot less than my dad would. That and Lev would still let me be an adult. My father wouldn't. The house was easily a few hours away and we would roll in there late or early morning, depending on how you saw it. Lev made sure he also had a weapon before we left. He took mine when we got in the car and tucked it in the glove compartment.

"Do you at all have a plan for this?"

"Nope, I'm just going to stroll in and tell them who I am, and that's about it."

"Yes, because that won't get you shot."

"It best fucking not, or else."

Lev just shook his head and muttered under his breath about how we could be at home sleeping versus this shit. I found it amusing again.

"Are you at all worried about the underbosses flying in?"

"No, not really. I've known them my entire life. They are older men. But still useful and there are only two, for now." I said.

"For the record, Alessio, your father is pissed about you doing this without really thinking it through."

"I know, my mom is too. But what they don't understand is I spent my entire teenage years thinking it through. They trained me for this and then so much happened and I was ready to make my brother take this, but then I realized I was going to rob him of his future if I forced him to take it. I couldn't do that to him."

"You had a change of heart." Lev said, giving me more credit than I was worth.

"If I had a change of something. I can't say if it was my heart." I mumbled. Turning my focus back on the road and driving. Lev didn't comment, even though I knew he heard me. The fact he had stayed quiet about it did not bother me.

"I wonder something though, Lev. Particularly about you..."

"Oh? What?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I've offered you nothing, not even my body, and yet you stay. I haven't given you a reason to stay. Don't take this as me telling you to leave because that's the polar opposite of what I want. But I'm itching to know why."

"I like your company. You, from the beginning, have treated me like a normal person, not someone who could snap your neck in two fluid moves. I know the others view me as dangerous and sometimes a pest. They hate having me around, but you. You're different."

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