13 - Chapter Thirteen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Finishing lunch and the family visit, I set my keys on the table after pulling them out of my pocket. My dad snatched them and spoke.

"Lukas, you take Lev with you in the truck. It will be easier on his wound than in Alessio's car. "


No one bothered to stop him. He took my keys because he wanted to have a talk on the ride home. It had nothing to do with Lev's comfort.

"Well, let's head out then, Alessio."


I followed behind my dad out the door and into my own car. Dad got in the passenger seat and passed me back my keys. I waited until I saw Lev get into the truck with Lukas and leave before I started my car. Backing out of the driveway, I spoke.

"Alright. Lay it on me."

"What would you like me to start with, Alessio?"

"Whatever is causing you the biggest problem."

"Oh. That's easy. Lev. Why is Lev in your bed? Are you going to sleep with him? Have you slept with him? What is the nature of the relationship you two have?"

I sighed. Deeply.

"Lev and I are not sleeping together. Lev is sleeping in the bed with me because he can't sleep on the couch because of his wound. We are friends."

"For now."

"Why does it bother you so fucking much that Lev is around? Why are you so mad about it!"

"Lev doesn't need to be here. He's fine."

"Are you his doctor? Or a doctor, for that matter? No. You're not. Lev is fine, when I say Lev is fine. And I get that you don't like this, hell I get you didn't like what I had with Caleb, but Christ, these are my choices to make."

"It's too soon for you to be making these choices, Alessio!"

"How do you know that? Are the one suffering because you lost the only one you felt understood you? Are you the one who couldn't wash the fucking bed sheets without losing your mind because you would lose the scent of him forever, no your not! Until you are, don't tell me what choices to make and if it's too soon."

"You really should speak to Dr Martin."

"If I feel like I need to, I will."

"Alessio, I'm just worried about you."

"I get it. Ok. I do. But this, this isn't the way to do it. If I at some point decide I want to cross lines with Lev, then you need to accept that. Respect my choices."

"Alessio. You need—-"

"I need to do things at my own pace, no one else's. Not even yours, dad."

"At the very least, keep me up to date on things and how you're handling shit. I'm your dad and I care about you, a lot more than you might think."

Neither of us said much more until we pulled into the complex and my dad spoke up.

"You and Lev are coming over for dinner tonight. No excuses. We haven't had dinner together for a bit and I'm tired of bringing you left overs."

"I thought you cared about me."

"I do. That's why I'm asking you to come for dinner and let you bring Lev."

"You demanded. But asking sounded nicer, so let's go with that." I muttered, getting out of the car.

I would have parked it back in the garage, but that was more work than I wanted to do now. There was something else I wanted, and it was to rub salt in the wound Lev was creating in my father.

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