48 - Chapter Forty- Eight - Lev's Point Of View.

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Alessio looked annoyed as the tailor took their time to size him up. I didn't have to worry about finding a suit for myself; I had plenty. The colours of the dress shirts that the tailor's assistant kept holding to Alessio were not colours that suited him. The dark blue one was alright, but I would rather see him in a deep red, or black.

"What do you think of those colours, sir?" The assistant asked Alessio, and he frowned.

"Lev, what do you think?"

"I would like to see darker colours, like grey, a deep red and black."

Alessio paused and thought about it before he spoke again.

"I agree. I would like to see some black and deep red."

"Alright, I'll look for those colours."

While the tailor worked, I looked over Alessio in great detail and with the state of his facial hair being as long as it was; he looked more like a younger version of his father. Until he opened his mouth and the pure accent flooded out. Andrei's was far more diluted by the environment where he lived. Much like my own.

The tailor accidentally poked Alessio with the sewing needle and he let out some rather unfriendly words in Italian, based on the tone.

"My apologies."

"It's fine." He said, his temper no doubt flaring under the surface.

He looked at me and his face told me enough. He was done with this and wanted it to be over. The assistant returned with a deep red shirt and a black one. The tailor allowed Alessio to try them both on over his tank top.

"I would like to see them styled. Is that possible at this point?" I said, liking the look of the red shirt on him.

"Certainly." The tailor said, adjusting something and helping him slip the jacket on and style it loosely. I really did like this one on him. The tailor stepped out of the way and I snapped a photo. I sent it to his father and mother, not thinking twice about it. He was very handsome looking.

Andrei was the one who texted me back first and commented about how his son cleaned up nicely. His mother wasn't long after. Her text said that she liked the suit on him, but he needed to shave. The black shirt was next and was a whole different ball game. Styled this way, Alessio looked like he commanded obedience, and it was highly enjoyable.

"This is the one I like the best, though we will take both shirts. And this suit, he will need cuff links and a tie." I said, relaxing in the chair and crossing one leg over my other knee.

"I would like to see what I look like in this." Alessio said.

"Of course."

The tailor turned Alessio around, and he looked over at himself in the mirror and nodded.

"I like this. It makes me look like a respectable man."

"My thoughts exactly."

The tailor let Alessio get changed back into his regular clothing and we headed back up to the front of the store with the assistant to find some cuff links and other accessories for him.

"If you see anything you like, Alessio, let me know."


I watched him look around as I looked at the cuff links and watches. There was no point in getting him a watch, as he had his smartwatch. Finding a pair of nice cufflinks, I had them added to the order. A few ties later, and a few pairs of shoes, Alessio returned to my side. The only thing in his hand was a nice black pea coat.

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