35 - Chapter Thirty - Five - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I got up around ten, according to the clock on the nightstand. Lev was still sleeping. We were tangled together in the bed under the blankets. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't. Just seeing his sleeping face made me smile softly, and that was sobering. The pain in my side was strong. The pills had worn off completely now. Managing to untangle myself from Lev, I snuck out of the bedroom and down the hall. He had left an empty glass on the island with the bottle of pills beside it.

Taking the cup, I got some water, before I looked through his fridge finding tiny yogurt cups. It was more than enough to take the pills. Lev neglected to show me where the utensils were, so I took the clean fork out of the dish rack. Eating the yogurt, I looked around the kitchen. It was nice, but also very simple. The far wall held a large shelf with plenty of appliances, a microwave included. And right in the middle of all the shelves, he had coffee cups hanging. All of his top cupboards had no shelves and were open. It was actually a really pleasant idea. It was all nice and neat. His island was made of really nice stained boards, with a thick wooden countertop. It matched well with the dark grey paint and the black countertops on all the main counter space.

Finishing ‌the yogurt cup, I took a sip of water and opened the bottle, popped two of the pills into my mouth and swallowed them. Drinking the rest of the water, I set the cup back on the countertop and went to look out the large backdoor. Lev had plenty of space behind the house. I was mildly shocked; the island was larger than I thought.

I stood in front of the door and for a pretty long while before I got bored. I wandered around the living room, then looked at everything he had out on display or visible. He had a frame on his tv stand that had a super older photo in it. It was clear to see that Lev was younger here and my dad was also in the photo. But there was also a man I didn't know, but it was clear he was of Mihail descent. He looked like my dad, but also he looked like Alexi. I wondered if this was his father I had unfortunately heard all about. He was a monster, but the smile on his face here would have convinced anyone differently.

I was going to have to snap a photo of it and send it to my dad at some point and ask him about it, just because, like Alexi, I was nosey and I wanted to know.

I looked at all the other frames, stopping at the last one. It was new. It was Lev and I. I didn't even know it had been taken, but it had Lukas's camera skills written all over it. Their wing was where it came from. That was the dead giveaway. Lukas must have given him. I found it odd that he kept it. I didn't see him as the type to have keepsakes.

That left me to wonder about what he had done with the watch I had bought him. I hoped he had liked it and hadn't gotten rid of it. It was the perfect style for him. Sitting down on the couch, I looked at the photo of us again and frowned. Lukas hadn't given me a copy of the photo, just Lev.

I wondered if there was a method to this. But I doubted it. He probably just wanted to give it to Lev because he was in the photo. Whatever the reason, he had it now. Relaxing on the couch again, I looked at my side and touched the stitches and the skin. It looked good, shockingly; I had avoided getting an infection so far. The couch was pleasant to lounge on in the sun coming through the windows. I wondered when Lev was going to wake up, mostly because I felt bad about keeping him up until five in the morning because he was worried about me not sleeping. Or at least that's what he had told me last night. I was conflicted about trusting his words, for obvious reasons.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way back to the bedroom, Lev's bedroom. Mostly because I wanted to see if he was actually still sleeping, but also because the medication had kicked in and I was growing drowsy again.

From the doorway, it was dark, but I could see from where the light from the hall came into the room that he had kicked the blanket down and rolled over so that he was on his back. Lev was well toned, the faintest lines of abs could be seen, but nothing more than that. Not that Lev needed visible abs, he was built. The man was honestly stunning, and I hated and loved it.

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