40 - Chapter Forty - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Inside the house, I couldn't settle down. I was walking from one end of the living room to the end of the kitchen while Lev prepared the last bits of our food. This was going to get on his nerves shortly. Not that I was trying to. I just didn't want to sit down.


"Sorry, I know. I know."

I slowed my walking to a stroll and hoped it would bother him less. He glanced up and watched me.

"What made you so on edge suddenly, Alessio?"

"I don't know what caused it."

"Does this happen often?"

"Not in a while."

"This is what you had the medication for?"

"Yes, and Dr. Martin and I were in the process of finding a better medication for me to take for this."

"Maybe you should get in touch with Dr. Martin and find out what you can do in the meantime to bring some of this down a touch."

"Not a terrible option."

"If it's just a matter of removing or adding things to your diet, we can do it for the time being."

I sighed, standing at the island beside him. He was chopping more vegetables, and I reached out, snatching a chunk of the green bell pepper.

"Yeah? Going to rob me like that?" Lev teased.

"Yeah, you know it. It was there for the taking."


"Mhmm, Fresh."

He slipped a few more slices towards me. I munched on them; the crunch being the satisfying part.

"I'll buy extra next time because I know you like them."

"Alright, but I need something to dip them in too. Like a thick ranch dip."

"A thick ranch dip?"


"I'll see what I can do."

I abandoned Lev to his kitchen and peeled off the sweater I had on before laying against the cold leather of the couch. The cold leather was lovely against my wound, and the rest of my chest.

"When you stick to that, you will regret it."

"Oh, hush you." I groaned into the couch.

I knew I was going to stick to the leather eventually, and I was just fine with that. Right now, it was perfect. I moved around just a bit until I could see Lev moving around the kitchen. The man took up a lot of space and I wanted to be wrapped around him like a second skin. I might just get used to this before I have to go back to my normal life. I let out a sigh and pushed off the couch slowly.

Grabbing the remote, I flicked the Tv on and connected my phone. Soft music flooded the sounds of Lev cooking.

"Alessio, do you know how to dance?" Lev called from the kitchen.

"I know how to dance a bit. They taught me in the school I attended." I muttered.

"Hm. Are you any good?"

"I might be. It's been a bit."

I watched him wash his hands and dry them on the towel. He made his way to the living room.

"Dance with me."

"Right now?"

"Yes, Alessio, right now."

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