12 - Chapter Twelve - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev and I got into my car. He almost seemed shocked that I had a legal license here. He relaxed into the passenger seat. I backed out of the side garage and he was pretty comfortable. I was glad he trusted me, or at least looked like he trusted me to drive.

"Are you comfortable? You can change the seat round if you're not, and there are seat warmers to—-"

"I'm alright Alessio. Thank you for your concern, though."


"Are you ok after your good cry?"

"Yes. I still have my damned headache, though. Now it's got larger and has names." I sighed.

Lev laughed lightly. He was dressed in jeans and a sweater. He was a pretty good looking man. I wondered if this was the point where I should pray to Caleb for all my upcoming sins if something happened between Lev and I. Lev had piqued my interest before Caleb even died, and despite that it sat like lead in my stomach, it was the truth. It felt like betraying my feelings and relation with Caleb then, and it still does now.

"My grandmother is going to go up one side of me and down the other about all this." I sighed.

"I hardly think she will. If anything, she's worried about how you're handling everything."


"Having a family unit is an excellent support system. Don't take them for granted."

"I try not to."

Lev flicked out his phone and showed me a photo while we were waiting at a red light. It was of him, a woman and a small child. Everyone in the photo looked happy, and it was clear it was taken years ago.

"This is my sister and nephew. This was eight years ago. I haven't seen either of them since then because I don't want to put them in danger. I speak to them as often as I can, but most times I miss their calls because I'm working."

"I'm sorry. That must be so rough."

"Sometimes it really is. I'm her older brother. She rarely takes the money I give her to help. I don't want her or my nephew to want anything, ever."

"She probably wants your time more than your money, Lev."

"That's probably true."

Pulling into the diner, Lev had gone quiet.

"You're damn lucky my dad let me drive and we weren't stuck in the SUV with him and Lukas."

"Your father is giving you space."

"Please, don't act like the moment he gets you alone, he will not grill you about the fact we are sharing a bed. Even though we aren't doing shit together."

"Oh, I looked forward to it."


"I like to work up you Mihail's. It's easy and amusing."

"Glad our temper problems are amusing."

"Alexi is the easiest to work up."

"Yes, he really is."

Remembering what happened here with Creed, I shook my head, smiling a bit before opening my car door.

"Let's go."


He took a little to get out of the car, but once he was standing and the car door was shut, he was on the move. We barely made it through the door when my dad switched to Italian as if I didn't understand it. He was clearly speaking to my Nonna about Lev and I.

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