47 - Chapter Forty- Seven - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Waking up, I was in bed alone. Lev was gone. I listened to see if I could hear him. I could. He was speaking with someone on speaker phone, their voices hushed enough that I couldn't make out what was being said. But I felt better knowing he was just fine. Getting out of the bed, I went and peed before seeing what he was up to. He was sitting in his desk chair, phone on the top of the desk, still wearing the same thing he went to sleep in. I couldn't stop myself from smiling stupidly when I saw him.

He looked up from where he was writing something down. He spoke, and I sighed.

"Alright, Maddix. Alessio is up now, so I'll be taking him to get fitted for his suit. And we will see you in a few weeks."

"I look forward to you both being back. Have a good day. Alessio. Assuming you can hear me, we still have a meeting on Monday."


He hung up the phone, and Lev stood up.

"I wondered when you were going to wake up."

"Ugh, it was a good sleep."

"Did I make a decent place to sleep?"

"What? Oh... Shoot."

I had fallen asleep on his back while enjoying being that close to him.

"Sorry, Lev, I really didn't mean to."

"It surprised me when I woke up. I wasn't expecting you to be there."

"I was checking to see if you were asleep and you were warm and I seemed to have gotten comfortable enough to sleep. My bad."

"I'm glad. But next time, let me know you plan on using me as a mattress. I almost threw you on the floor this morning while getting up. I'm shocked you stayed asleep, honestly."

"Then I must have needed it."

"I would say so. Come along, I'll make you something to eat."

Passing by the microwave on the way to the fridge, I stopped and looked at the clock, twice. I wasn't actually seeing things. It was after one in the afternoon. No wonder Lev was wondering. This was the longest I had slept in. I couldn't remember the last time I was perfectly healthy and slept in.

"Lev? How are you feeling today?"

"Alessio, I am fine."

"Alright." I said, smiling softly.

"Before you ask, I took my medication this morning and I feel fine."

"I'm sorry. It's the doctor in me."

"No, that's not true. It's more because you care about me, then it being because you're a doctor."

"Yes, there is always that."

He set two sandwiches in front of me.

"Eat up. We have some things to do on the mainland. Which means you need to get on the boat again."

"Oh. Right."

I ate slowly and hoped that this would all stay down on the boat ride. The last time was still fresh in my mind. Looking down at the last bit of the sandwich, I thought about when he moved into Caleb's wing with me, right after I had exploded on him with all my feelings and emotions, and he was still gentle even then about it. This man from the beginning has treated me differently than the rest of them. I had no clue why, though. But it didn't matter now. We were connected. For as long as the heavens permitted us.

"You're still eating. Are you ok?" Lev asked, coming back into the kitchen now fully dressed.

"Oh yeah, I'm alright just thinking."

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