62 - Chapter Sixty- Two - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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We let dad and Lukas go before us, and then we stepped inside the ballroom. Creed and Alexi were behind us, so I wasn't too worried about that. I spotted Maddox and his husband mingling with another couple, and they smiled. Maddox nodded when he saw us. I saw Theo, the lawyer, speaking near the wall with Luca and I hoped they would be good company to each other. I assumed they were both going to have a shit evening. Luca because of his dad, and Theo because he didn't seem to thrive around this shit. He went out of his way to not even want to look at Maddox and they were cousins.

Lev and I were being stared at by quite a few people. Caio brought Lev and I, a flute of champagne. The look in his eyes told me he still remembered my hatred for the shit, but he was willing to make me suffer.

As he passed the glass to me, he spoke low.

"Nico is in the room. Watch yourself."

"Thank you."

I took the glass and tipped it back, sipping it and trying to mask my visible distaste.

"You look like you can stand the taste." Lev said softly.

"I can't, I hate it." I murmured.

I spotted Lukas tossing back the whole glass with the look of disgust on his face. I did like he did and downed it before walking to set it on an empty tray. Dragging Lev with the whole time. Lev set his glass down, not having taken a sip out of it.

"No more alcohol for the night. That is plenty." He said.

"My thoughts exactly."

I turned, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw something strange. I barely had a moment to process the sound of a weapon being fired and Lev shoving me to the floor.

"Ah fuck me." Caio said, his voice full of pain.

Looking back, he was holding his ribs. And there was definitely blood. The room was quiet as Sasha and Vito took off after Nico. Everyone was watching us, but Maddox was barking out orders.

"Give me your gun, Lev."

"Excuse me?"

"Give me your weapon."

"No, you're going too—" I yanked the gun from his hip and took the stupid suit jacket off. Handing to Lev.

"Use this to keep him alive until I get back."

My dad was guarding one of the door and he clearly had a problem with me taking off.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"To deal with this fucking problem as I should have before."

Vito popped back into the room at that point.

"Vito, you're with me. Shoot to kill." I said, pissed.

"Who got hit?"


"Is he—-"

"He's alive for the moment."

"Ryer and Sasha had Nico cornered in the west of the blinding."

"Then that is where the fuck we are going." I hissed.

"Is Lev going to join us?"

"Lev is looking after Caio."

"Alessio, he is going to be livid."

"Vito, we have a man to make dead. So fucking find him. Thanks."

On the second story, I heard Sasha yell. He went out the window. It was a very survivable drop, so I went bolting down the stairs, nearly taking out Jackson, who had a large weapon in the process. Vito and he had definitely crashed, and I wasn't stopping for that shit. I wanted Nico's head on a silver platter.

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