05 - Chapter Five - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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A week of constant work after the funeral was all that kept me going. I wasn't sure what would happen if I stopped working. I might just fall apart. When I wasn't eating or sleeping, I was getting ready for work and working. I was devoted to the endless cycle because it allowed no time for the pain I was feeling. I knew how bad this looked. But I didn't want to face the pain right now. I had spent the entire day after the funeral suffering.

Dad had it the worst when I finally had enough of everyone. I had flipped my lid on him and everyone else. It hadn't been fair to any of them. I was sick of hearing 'I'm sorry for your loss' and things of that nature.

I knew dad didn't take it to heart, neither did any of the others, but it was hard not to feel guilty about it. Tonight was the first time since before I left we were going to have a family dinner again. The whole family.

I wasn't sure if I was completely on board with the idea, but Alexi hadn't given me the option to back out when he filled me in about the dinner.

"Alessio, did you hear me?"

"Huh?" I blinked, turning to look back at Sasha's right hand, Demitri.

"I asked if there was anything else I could lend a hand with?"

"Oh, Hm. Nothing I can think of. I appreciate the help."

"Of course, no worries."

Sasha had let me borrow Demitri to help move some newer supplies and medical equipment down into the wing.

"I'm going to head out, then. If you need anything, just give me a shout. Don't overwork yourself."

"Thanks again." I waved him off.

I had a lot of supplies to tuck away and deal with. Things had been pretty relaxed this week. The worst I had dealt with was some stitches and a pretty nasty burn. But otherwise just some regular things. It was nice to see all the supplies restocked again. When we ran low on things, I got a little antsy about it. I had a budget to stick to just like everyone else, and I wasn't by any means safe from Alexi's anger about his budgets. He didn't go easier on me because we were family, if anything he was rougher about it because of the family ties.

Hands deep in the tall box of medical supplies, my phone started blaring an alert. I knew the alert. I had been around long enough to know that this was an emergency. Dropping the stuff in my hand, I kicked some boxes out of the way to make space. I had no clue what was about to come through the doors.

Snagging a pair of gloves, I pulled them on after applying hand sanitizer. I didn't have time to wash them, much like I would have rather done. Maddox didn't sound the alarm for nothing. Walking to the door, I override the lock and propped open the door. I could hear whoever it was coming down the hall with a few voices. Looking down, I checked my gloves again. Looking up, Maddox and Ryer had Lev, of all people, propped up on them both. He was paler than he was normally, and his t-shirt was soaked through.

"What happened? Take him to bed one!"

Maddox looked just as confused as me, and Lev really wasn't coherent as he babbled about something. Lev was actively bleeding out. Peeling up his blood-soaked t-shirt, he hollered when I checked his wound. It was a deep stab wound. I didn't want to chance putting him out and losing him.

Lev muttered things, as I held his wound shut and directed Maddox and Ryer to both glove up and lend a hand. I could give Lev pain medication, but I was worried about it. I would rather have him constantly hollering in pain. Sadly.

Lev was going in shock and I instructed Maddox to bed his knees and place his feet flat on the bed. Ryer took over, holding pressure for me while I quickly set to finding all the things I was going to need to fix that wound. I needed to have a damn good look and make sure that nothing was damaged. I was worried about the amount of blood Lev had lost, too. But I could fix that. I knew his blood type. I just hoped that we had some on hand.

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