24 - Chapter Twenty - Four - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I waited until he sat me down inside our wing and then I answered his question, not sure if it was the best thing to do. But he deserved his question answered.

"Seeing him touch you so tenderly made something snap inside of me. I wanted to break his hand, the one he was using to touch you. I wanted it like I wanted nothing else. You're not mine and I know this, but god. I couldn't see him touch you like that."


"No Lev, you don't understand. I thought of nothing else in that moment then making him understand you're mine and he can't touch you so tenderly."

"You were angry, and it's understand—--"

"Lev, you aren't hearing me! I wanted him to know you're mine. My possession. My belonging. Why do I even bother trying to explain this? What a way to honor Caleb. God, I'm a fucked up piece of work."

"Alessio. I ‌hear you, but I think you're confused and—--"

"Then why the fuck did you kiss me back then?" I screamed, giving myself a headache again. Pitching my nose, I shook it off, remembering that my little brother was with my father and I was supposed to be responsible for him while he was here.

"I can't be fighting with you right now. I need to look after my brother."

"You need rest Alessio, your brother is fine. He is with your father and Lukas, and they can look after him."

"Lev, he is my damn responsibility."

"You can go to their wing, but they aren't there." Lev replied.

"How the hell do you know that?"

"I keep in contact with your father. He told me not to let you worry about Matteo today. Lukas took them all to some play park or something like that. I think your mother might not get her son back. Lukas really likes him."

"I wish some fucking people would keep me informed of this shit."

"You don't have a phone. Hard to keep you informed."

"And who the hell's fault is that, Lev!"

"Mine, and I won't deny it."

"Ugh. I have to get a damn phone. Get up, we need to go get one."

"I will drive, since you're in no condition to do so."

"Fine, I don't care. I just need to get a new phone."

Lev took my keys, and I followed behind him. My car was in the same place where it had been before. Flashes from the night before replayed in my head, and I stopped. Lev had tried to fight me again outside.

"Why the fuck would you try to fight me again outside?" I hissed.

"Because I wasn't done with you."


"You remembered more from last night."


"I didn't intend for things between us to get as physical as they did. Trust me on that one, Alessio."

"You slammed me up against the wall by my throat."

"You bruised my ribs, crushed my nuts, stomped on my toes and split open and bruised my jaw. I'm sure you will be fine."

"I'm fucking lucky Ryer didn't break my fucking nose."

"That is a whole subject I don't want to touch on, Alessio." His tone was harsh.

"Are you upset with Ryer?"

"Yes, I am livid, Alessio. He concussed you."

"It was my fault. I went after Sasha and he wanted to protect his lover."

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