39 - Chapter Thirty - Nine - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I chased behind Lev, who was digging around in the fridge.

"What the hell is the meaning of that?" I hissed.

"Someone has to feed us Alessio."

"The only thing I wanted you to feed was your cock." I muttered.

"Last time I checked, I just pulled stitches out of your side and there is still a chance of that opening up again if you get too full of yourself, Alessio."

"I hate that you're not wrong about that."

"Tomorrow we can head to the mainland and pick up some things you need. And if you have your prescriptions on your phone for your glasses, we can order a pair. I can't stand to watch you squint at things you're trying to read."

"It was one time, Lev, and it was because it was dark."

"It happened more than once, Alessio."

"Are you sure it's me and not you who needs the glasses?"


I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, like a child.

"That behaviour will get you nowhere, Alessio."

"It got me here, didn't it?" I smiled, flexing some of my cocky behaviour.

"You get that behaviour from your father, trust me." Lev said, clicking his tongue.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Twenty years I've known Andrei, I was sixteen the first time we ever met, and he was young, about your age."

"The photo in your living room?"

"Andrei, Alexi's father and I. I was twenty-five or six there. You would have been a small child then. God, I don't know what your mother saw in Andrei."

"Watch your words. That man is my father." I teased.

"Yes, there is no denying that."

"It's a wonder my father never saw me, not even once."

"Your grandfather hid you from him. As did your mother."

"That was selfish of them."

"You may not have seen adulthood if it was known who your father was."

"Why do you know so much?"

"It might surprise you to know, but your mother and I have been friends for almost as long as Andrei and I. We keep in contact often."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes. You are welcome to check all my calls and texts if you want to verify my claims."

"No, That's fine. It's just weird to me."

"Alessio, I'm fourteen years older than you. In my line of work, I know many people."

"Did you meet me as a child?"

"No. But I saw you with your grandfather a few times."

"I don't remember you, not at all."

"Your schooling and grandfather training you took all your time. Your mother and grandfather made sure you were too busy to bother getting into trouble."

"That only worked for so long. Luca and I got into trouble more than once."

"I'm sure."

"You and my mother never hooked up?"

Lev froze, turning around and narrowing his eyes at me.

"Absolutely not. I have more respect for your mother."

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