56 - Chapter Fifty-Six - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev made sure we had everything packed in the SUV before we left. Sasha and Ryer left a few minutes before we did, and I was not feeling great as we left the condo.

"Alessio, Sweetheart, you look like you might be sick."

"My nerves aren't great right now."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But this is the best time."

"When we get back to the complex, I want to sleep."

"Alright, we can do that."

Maddox called once we got about halfway there.

"Hey, Just calling to check in?"

"Hi, we are good."

"Good. I just got off the phone with Ryer and Sasha, and they filled me in on some things. When you finally come back to the complex, I think you should head right to your wing. We've had the place locked to anyone but myself or your father since you left. So it's safe. I had Alexi restrict access to some of the places in my complex for your underbosses. I want to assure the safety of everyone."

"Right now, I understand. But if the person behind this wanted to draw me out, he has plenty of choices to do so, like my father, for example."

"I think he is pretty well aware he stands no chance of taking your father. Or don't want to risk it."

"We agree that this is my underboss Nico's doing?"

"That is what it's looking like."

"We will need to approach this situation carefully. Nico will freak out."

"I believe we will see him make his move on the night of the party. There will be many other dons and family members present, and that would be the perfect time to cash in and make an example of you."

"Right, I almost forgot about that party."

"I want you vested. I would also make the suggestion that Lev be vested as well, since you two are—--How would you like me to put this?"

"We are a couple. You will not step on anyone's toes, besides maybe Andrei's." Lev said, keeping his eyes on the road.

Maddox parted ways with us after a few more minutes and I turned to Lev.

"A couple, huh?" I said, trying not to smile.

"Yes, I think if anyone should get to know, it's Maddox."

"I agree."

"Besides, I figured it was fine to say we are a couple when you said you were prepared to take my last name."

"I still am."

Lev set his hand on my thigh, and we drove in silence for a while.

"We need to make a plan for the night of the party. And I want you in a vest, Lev, I mean it. If you get shot, I'll go crazy."

"I will be vested. I have too much to lose."

"Thank you."

"But yes, we need a plan. There's going to be a lot of eyes, and Maddox doesn't want anyone having any kind of weapons that night except those who are making sure nothing goes wrong. Sasha, Ryer, Creed, Alexi, and a few others and Myself, we all have been allowed to have weapons."

"Caio will be arriving in a few days. I'm not sure if you know him, but he is to us what Creed is to Maddox. He will want to be included in all the plans. He has been protecting me for a pretty long time."

"I understand. I'll make sure to have him included."

"I appreciate that."

I sighed. Caio was going to completely ruin any alone time with Lev I wanted to have while Nico was alive and having someone try to take me out. Caio took his job far too seriously.

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