53 - Chapter Fifty- Three - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I tossed and turned in the bed beside Lev. He was sleeping soundly, and I was jealous of him. Nico's potential betrayal weighed heavy on my mind. Getting out of the bed, I crept to the kitchen and rounded the corner.

"Thought it was only me who couldn't sleep."

Sasha scared the shit out of me and if he hadn't grabbed my elbow, I would have driven it into his flesh.

"Christ, You scared the fucking shit out of me. Fuck." I hissed in the dark.

He chuckled in the dark.

"Sorry, My bad."

"It's fine. But why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to risk waking up Ryer with my tossing and turning."

"Yeah. I feel that."

I walked to the balcony and yanked the door open. The cool air was pleasant. I walked out onto the balcony and sat down. Sasha followed me out there and stretched.

"I didn't even notice that Lev had a balcony. Nice view."

"Right. It's pretty large, and it's not super loud out here."

"What is your plan for when you come back to the complex?" Sasha asked, looking out at the night sky. I watched him for a moment before answering.

"I want to address the Nico issue, but I know it's not the smart thing to do. So I'll ask Maddox and Lev about the best way to go about this and go from there. But with one of my underbosses betraying me, can I trust the other one? That is the question."

"Vito, the other one, he is a hard worker. He is almost a pest because of it. Dimitri is whiny about it. Maddox asked me to lend Dimitri to Vito while they look for leads on your attack."

"How is Luca? I worry greatly about him. If his father is playing both fields like this, it's dangerous."

"Hmm, I can't say how he is. He is very closed off. He is working alongside Cade's real right hand, not Ryer."

"Luca is a dear friend to me."

The sound of someone clicking their tongue made me look at the door where Lev was standing, his arms crossed, just sweat pants on his large frame.

"Sorry, did we wake you?" Sasha said politely.

"No. I noticed I was missing Alessio."

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake you with my tossing and turning, too."

Lev nodded, before leaving the door, and I heard him head back down the hall. Sasha and I both seemed to listen to see if he was going to get back up, but he didn't. The condo was silent again.

"Lev is very protective of you." Sasha said.

"I think you might know what that is like. Ryer is like that with you."

"Yes. But I think I am like that with him as well. Ask your father. We have argued about Ryer's safety."

"I can see that."

"Your father is normally pretty good about making sure Ryer is safe, but sometimes those two get out of hand and safety goes out the window."

"You don't need to remind me about that. I'm the one who has to fix the wounds."

"Very true."

"I'll be very glad when things mellow out at home again."

"I second that. I can't wait for you to see all the progress on the new building for your family. I've seen the plans and things. Maddox had me look over them so that I could plan a security system for it. Sounds like by the end of the year or the very start of the new year, you will have a complex of the Concetta family."

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