63 - Chapter Sixty- Three - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View. (The End)

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Sneaking out of the bed had been a mistake. My ribs were furious with the movement, as was my shoulder. I had to check on Caio and Luca. I wanted to check on Luca first, so I went to find the room where he had been stuck. Stopping at the door, I brought my hand up to knock. This part of the house was like what you would find in a hotel. A small kitchen, a bathroom and bedroom. The door opened, and Theo, the lawyer, stood there. His clothing was messily thrown on, and hickeys littering his neck.

"Sorry, I think I have the wrong room. I was looking for Luca."

"He's in here. This is his room."

"Oh." I said. Realizing what was happening here.

"Don't tell anyone you saw me here. Leaving his room. We never saw each other, and this never happened." He said before walking out and down the hall quickly.

Luca was passed out in the bed, nail marks visible down his back. I closed the door softly and knocked on the door loudly, waking Luca up. I heard him fall out of the bed and scrambling around for shit before he opened the door.

He looked me up and down. Before he spoke.

"Morning?" He said, more like a question.

"Yes, it's still the morning. How are you feeling?"

"Like my head has been bashed in." He said. Before he stopped.

"I, um, just mean I have a pretty terrible hangover." He was quick to say.

"Relax, I know what you meant."

"I got really drunk last night, the lawyer, Theo. He was there too. I could have sworn we fucked last night, but seems he bolted."

"Yes. He did. A few minutes ago."

"God, I was fucked up over losing Dad. But he was worse over seeing his ex husband there last night."

"He saw his ex there last night?"

"Yeah, from the parts I can remember. Sasha's underhand though, he stepped in to mellow out the situation, and then everything popped off with my dad." Luca said, his face void of emotion.

"Luca, I understand he was your father, and I need you to know that last night. He left me no choice. But I have some clue as to why he targeted me."

"Alessio, I grieve because he was at some point my father, but he made his choice to betray you and the Concetta family, and that is no choice I share with him."

"He tried to kill me and have me killed, because I dirtied you, Luca."

A wave of different emotions flowed over his features before he seemed to settle on anger.

"We were fucking kids, teenagers. For fuck's sake, he gave it all away for that? He was further gone than I thought." Luca said, more agitated now than before.

He kept muttering to himself in Italian before he stopped and turned back to me, more concern on his face now than before.

"How is Caio?"

"I was just going to check on him. Why don't you quickly change and we can see him together?"

Luca looked conflicted, but went and got changed. He called out from the bathroom while he changed.

"And your injuries? Were they bad?"

"I sustained a few cracked ribs, and a bruised shoulder, nothing that won't heal in just a few weeks' time."

"Alessio, you need to know that if I knew of his involvement with this sooner, I would have ended this. I wouldn't have allowed this—---"

"Luca, no one is questioning your involvement, or commitment, in this family."

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