54 - Chapter Fifty- Four - Lev's Point Of View.

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After coming back from getting off the phone with Andrei, about Alessio and keeping him safe, he was propped up in the couch's corner, his eyes closed.

"How long has he been out like this?" I asked quietly.

"About ten or fifteen minutes." Ryer said just as quietly.

"I'll let him sit here for another few minutes, then I'm going to move him to the bed. Then I'll make breakfast."

"We are in no hurry." Sasha said, smiling.

I went and made a cup of coffee, and sat on the couch watching Alessio. He was softly snoring away. He was going to need all the rest he could get. I wasn't even sure how he thought that this was going to be a wise move. Taking both the job of his family's head and the doctor. The only thing I could do was support him and his choice.

Setting down my cup, I moved off the couch and bent down, scooping Alessio up. He opened his eyes, shock filling him, before he blinked a few times and laid his head on my shoulder. He said nothing, he just went back to sleep. It would be easier to slip him into the bed, then it had been picking him up.

Slipping him in the bed and under the blankets was the straightforward part. His hand grabbed my shirt. That was the part that I didn't account for. Trying to ease his fingers off my shirt caused him to wake up again. He looked at me and grunted.


"I will, just let go."


He let go, and I slipped into the bed beside him. I only had to stay till he was asleep again and I knew that's what he wanted. He snuggled into the pillows and once his breathing levelled out; I slipped out of the bed.

"Sleep well, tiny brat."

I wanted to touch his cheek with my fingers, but I didn't want to risk waking him up, so I didn't. If Sasha and Ryer hadn't of been here, I would have stayed in bed beside him the entire time.

Back in the kitchen and living room, Sasha was stretched out across the whole couch, his head in Ryer's lap. Ryer tried to move him.

"Please, don't move on my account. Your PDA doesn't bother me."

"Told you." Sasha groaned.

"Alessio wanted me to stay until he fell back asleep and I couldn't refuse him." I muttered.

"Good, means you love him." Sasha snickered from the couch.

"Seems I've also become infected by love." I said, heading to the kitchen.

"It's not all bad." Ryer chuckled.

"Yes, I'm quickly learning this. Is there anything in particular you want for breakfast?"

"No, anything is fine. Ryer and I will eat literally anything you make." Sasha said, rolling slightly to look at me.

"Alright, sounds good."

I pulled out the eggs and all the rest of the normal breakfast foods. Making scrambled eggs, some hash browns, toast and bacon. I made Alessio a plate and set it aside. All but the eggs. He didn't like reheated eggs. We all ate in comfortable silence watching tv. Alessio came wobbling out just as we were all finishing up.

"Smells like bacon in here." He mumbled, heading to the kitchen.

"You should still be sleeping." I reminded him.

He shrugged and stole a piece of bacon off the plate. It was extra, so it was fair game.

"Don't know what to tell you. I woke up and smelled bacon. I wanted bacon."

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