31 - Chapter Thirty - One - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Tires screeching and more bullet fire filled my ears, and then the sounds of my dad and Lev arguing and Sasha trying to break them up. I was more worried about the wound on my side, still bleeding freely.

"Stay the fuck away from my son, Lev."

"As of twenty minutes ago, your son became my paid job."

"Excuse me?" My dad snapped, his handgun still in his hand, now out of bullets.

"Alessio care and wellbeing is now my paid job." Lev said, getting closer to me.

"Fucking Maddox." I hissed out.

"Come along sunshine, you are my business now." Lev said as he bent down and lifted me up.

"Put me down. I don't—-"

"Don't fucking start with me. I tried to fucking warn you, and you ignored me." Lev snapped.

Sasha and Creed were holding back my dad as Lev took me to the truck he came in and buckled me into the passenger side. Before walking around to the other side and getting inside.

"My dad is going to murder you." I hissed.

Lev peeled off his shirt and passed it to me.

"Press that to your wound. And that's fine. I'll deal with you dad then." He said.

I pressed the shirt to my wound, and he sped from the warehouse. He was driving in a different direction from the complex.

"Where are we going? I'm fucking bleeding out." I hissed.

"I'm aware. You're ruining my truck."

"I'll buy you a new one."

"We are going to one of my properties not far. I need to stitch that wound." He said, speeding down the highway.

"Oh boy, sounds fantastic. I would rather you just drop me off anywhere. I don't trust you."

"Oh well, I don't care. You're not the one who employed me, Maddox did. So suck it the fuck up."

Lev pulled into a property with a nice little house. It didn't look like something he would have, but I guess that was the point. Stopping the truck, he hurried to get me out of the truck. He set me down on my own two feet at the door so he could unlock it. He went to pick me back up, and I sidestepped him, despite the nagging pain.

"I can walk."

"Fine, then walk."

Inside, he helped me up onto the kitchen table and I hated everything about this, more so when he gave me a bottle of liquor and told me to drink. I knew how the fuck this was going to go. Drinking a good mouthful of the liquor, I laid back on the table. Lev gave me his belt, and I shoved it between my teeth and bit down.

He dumped the liquor in my wound and got to work on it. I felt every single stitch he put in my side. Until I passed out.

"Alessio, hey wake up, it's over." He said, his voice gentle on my ears.

"Go die." I hissed.

"Now that's not very nice. Come on, let's get you up and changed." He said, his voice still at a gentle level.

I had a renewed appreciation for modern medicine after he set me on my feet. He told me to follow him to the main floor bedroom, and he tossed fresh pieces of clothing at me. He also went to the bathroom and came back with a soapy washcloth for the blood caked under my pants on my leg.

Grinding my teeth, I struggled with my pants, wincing in pain.

"Would you like some help?"

"No. I can struggle all on my own."

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