15 - Chapter Fifteen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Leaving the complex, I was livid, but I would try not to take it out on my brother. Yes, he had done something so stupid. The worst part was, I would have done the same thing if given the chance. Now, I had to be the one to explain to him why this wasn't right. If our mom had to be the one to explain it to him. He might not go back with her. I couldn't look after him. I was having a hard enough time looking after myself.

Matteo was going to get it from our mother when she came to get him. There was little I could do about that. At the very least, this time she could think about her words before she said them. That way, things didn't get any worse than they were.

Lev had wanted to come with me, but I asked him not to push his wounds and just to relax. I had this covered. I didn't want Lev to be present if I ripped into my brother by mistake. Lev already wanted me to have therapy and thought I was immature. I didn't need to add to that. I felt bad for leaving the position of the mafia boss on my brother, but I knew he could handle it. Even if he thought he wasn't the right one for the position.

The differences between the way my grandfather and Maddox did things were vast and there was no way after living within the walls of the Vincent family that I could go back to that. Maddox had moved the family forward, and it made all the difference. He gave those who earned it the praise and positions they deserved. It was different. That's why the Vincent family wasn't well liked by those who preferred the old way of business.

The airport came into view and I took a deep breath as I found a spot to park my car and head inside to look for my problematic little brother, Matteo. Heavens above, may whoever is stuck with him be strong willed.

Inside the airport, I didn't have to look very long. Matteo was sitting on the benches, looking more relaxed than I was sure I had seen the kid in a while. When he looked up, he sighed.

"I know, I know. This was a shit idea and I'm sure mom is just beside herself because I'm missing."

"You know it. So why?"

"I wish I could give you a straight answer, Sio, but I can't. We were fighting and when she left, I took off. I didn't want to be there anymore. She pushes me so hard to be the perfect Don and I don't know how much more I can take. I can't even have friends anymore. She has cut me off everything. I'm allowed to study, practice and stay in our home. It's not fair to me, and I can't—-"

"Come along. Tell me about it in the car. I have to call mom and tell her you're safe. Before she kills us both."


He stood up and brushed off his jeans before grabbing his bag and following behind me. I hated the fact of how smart this kid was, but I knew it would keep him safe.

In the car, I dialed our mother and waited until she picked up.

"Alessio, did you find him?"

"Yes, I did. He's going to hang out here with me for a couple of weeks. You can come and get him then or I'll bring him home, but regardless, some space apart might be the best thing for you both."

"Alessio, He—Yeah, that might be best for him to stay there for a bit. Two or three weeks, he definitely deserves it. He has been working so hard on studying and training."

"He will be safe here. You have my word."

"I know. Just tell him I love him, and I am livid with him. He could have told me he wanted to go, not just leave with no word or notice about it."

"I'll have him call later after I get him settled in, alright?"


I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. She hung up on me and I set my phone in the cup holder and turned to look at Matteo. He looked at me, expecting to be yelled at, no doubt.

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