32 - Chapter Thirty - Two - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev woke me up when we got to his house, hours away from where I wanted to be. But I knew he was right. I didn't want to be a danger to the rest of them right now. Opening my eyes, it surprised me to see a condo building. I didn't expect Lev to own a condo.

"I should have something here for your pain."

I said nothing. I just got out of the vehicle. I was in horrible pain. I was silently begging for death to take me. To make the pain end.

We went up the elevator to the eighth floor and down to the end of a hall. He opened the door and held it open for me. It was clean and modern, definitely not what I was expecting for Lev. He pointed me to the spare bedroom and went to look for medication. The bottle he came back with was the one I gave him, and it was still nearly full.

"Those should help. You gave them to me for the first injury."

"Yeah, I see that."

"I'll get you something to take them with."

"I'm going to need food. A couple of crackers or something should be fine." I muttered.

He had a balcony, and I walked over and slid open the door. He had a privacy screening on his balcony and a small table and chairs. It was cute. It was raining now, and dark. The wind had picked up and I could feel it on my face. It was almost peaceful, but I had no clue where I even was.

Standing was doing a number on my side, but I didn't want to move from the balcony. Lev found me pretty quickly. He had a plate and a glass in his hands.

"We can sit out on the balcony—-"

"Can I sit out here alone?"

"I guess. It's safe enough for tonight."

He set the plate on the table and glass on the table and turned and walked away, closing the screen behind him. Lev had made me a sandwich and brought me a glass of water. Two pills sat on the plate, too. Painfully, I sat down at a weird angle that didn't hurt worse and picked at the sandwich until I had half of it gone.

Tossing back the two pills with water, I finished the sandwich and just laid back in the chair. The rain had picked up, but I could hear Lev speaking on the phone with someone. I figured it was going to only be a few people, and Maddox and Sasha were my top contenders. I closed my eyes and listened to the falling rain. It was a really soothing sound. I understood how people fell asleep to sounds like this.

"Alessio, you should—-Oh."

"I'm not sleeping, just listening to the sounds of the rain."

"With your eyes closed?"

"Yes, It's relaxing."

I heard him pull the other chair out and his breathing was the only thing that told me he was still there. At some point he took the plate and glass inside, but I was already well on my way to sleep then. Thanks to the pain medication.

I opened my eyes when something jostled me. I blinked a few times, looking around. Lev was trying to tuck me into the bed.

"Could have left me outside." I mumbled.

"You would catch a cold."

He set me on the mattress and pulled the blankets up my legs.

"Sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

I didn't respond, just relaxed into the bed. It was so much nicer than mine. I still could hear the rain falling through the open window that I was sure Lev had opened for me. I didn't fight sleep at all.

It wasn't even light when I woke up, but I had to use the washroom so damn bad. Lev hadn't shown me where it was, so I had to look around for the bathroom. I found it just in time and the pain in my side was telling of how the pain pills were wearing off now. Opening the bathroom door, I stepped into the hall slowly.

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