18 - Chapter Eighteen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I wasn't really sure if I was more or less confused about the whole thing after I left Dr. Martin's. He had helped a little in the twenty minutes we spoke, but I cut it short after getting a text from my dad. I apologized and told Zev, or Dr. Martin, that we would speak longer in my first official session.

I could hear my brother the moment I opened the door to Lukas and dad's place. He was speaking excitedly and talking about all kinds of things, trying to find the English word he needed. I could hear my dad suggesting English words to him. I smiled slightly as I slipped my shoes off and headed inside. Lev looked at me and mouthed the words, 'you good?'. I nodded.

"I smell pizza. You loved me, I knew it." I said, more than loud enough. My brother looked at me and narrowed his eyes. Before he clicked his tongue at me.

"You missed training this morning. Keep that up and you won't be in good shape."

"I can still take you brat, watch it."

"He's right. You need to keep up with your training. When was the last time you actually shot a weapon?" My dad said, humming.

"Weeks ago. Not that I'm just going to forget how to shoot."

"Lev, Fit taking Alessio to the training room into your empty schedule. He needs to keep up with his training." My dad said it in an almost demanding tone.

"He is going to leave soon as he is healed. Then what? Are you going to drag me to training?" I hissed.

"Lev didn't tell you I see." My dad sighed.

"Tell me what." I narrowed my eyes at my father.

"I have taken more time off to make sure you're going to be well and fine. Plus, I have had little time off, and I thought there was no better time. I'm sorry, I should have brought it up with you. I just didn't know the ‌time to do so."

"No need to apologize. You're welcome to stay. It's nice to have someone around." I said, despite being a bit annoyed with the fact I was the last one to find out about this.

He just nodded, and my dad opened the pizza, giving us all napkins. Matteo Looked confused, but ate the pizza regardless. I'm sure the difference between the pizza from here and home was throwing him off. I had found the taste to be different in many ways, both unique and delicious. But not to be compared to each other.

"Matteo, what did you do today while I slept?" I asked, wanting to hear from his own words.

"Your dad and I hung out for a bit. He made me breakfast and then we went to the workout room and he helped me, and then pizza." Matteo said, his voice low and almost hollow. I felt guilty again.

"I'm sure dad enjoyed that." I muttered softly. Keeping my eyes on my plate as I picked apart the pizza crust.

"Yes, It was nice. I would like to do it again sometime." My dad said.

"Sio, You're doing that thing again that mom doesn't like." Matteo said, looking at me and how I was picking at my food.

"Right. My bad." I said, dropping the crust and wiping my hands on my pants. Another thing that mom didn't like, but also, something my dad didn't like.

He didn't have time to call me out about it, however, because the door opened and we had guests. Alexi and Creed. Creed looked exhausted, and Alexi was almost glowing. I didn't need to ask why either. Relaxing my shoulders, I barely had time to brace for Alexi, who wrapped his arm around me and gave me a squeeze that took my breath away.

"Nice to see you, you've been hiding and I've been working." Alexi said.

"My bad. I needed space and time."

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