09 - Chapter Nine - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I felt Lev move, and I opened a single eye. He turned to look at me, his eyes glazed, and he yawned.

"Whatever the hell you gave me. No, thank you. I don't think I even know where or when I am."

I snorted into the pillow I had under my arm. I didn't even remember grabbing it or even relaxing back into the bed. But I definitely had. Lev stood up, and I opened both my eyes, wondering where he was going.

"Where are you going?"

"Creed and Sasha brought my stuff. I want to make sure it's all there, and they also brought lunch from Andrei."

"Oh. Food. I knew I forgot something."

I was supposed to have stopped by for food. After dealing with Lev. Sitting up, I stretched my arms up before getting out of bed. Lev had made it out of the bedroom and into the hallway. I needed a shower, but the food sounds fantastic, so that's where I went first. To the kitchen.

Lev was digging through one of two duffle bags on the couch.

"Sit down. Bending over like that isn't a good idea."

"Yeah yeah. Got it doctor... hey wait. You're only twenty-two? How the hell did you get to be a doctor so early?"

"I started medical school at sixteen, almost seventeen, and worked my damn ass off to get through medical school and all the rest of it. And I'll be twenty-three in a month if that."

"Hmm. Seems weird you're so young."

"You can thank my demanding mother for my qualifications. She pushed for nothing less than the greatest or perfection, if you ask me."

"I see. That seems about right."

Checking the fridge, I spotted the containers that came from my dad's. Lukas had bought them just before I left, claiming they were a nicer set than the ones they had. I couldn't lie. They were a pretty pleasant set, if you cooked. Pulling them out, there was clearly more than just lunch. There was also a large container of pasta.

"Are you hungry?"

"I could use some food?"

"Before I feed you anything else, are you allergic to anything?"

"No, not that I'm aware of."


Grabbing out the smaller bowls, it was soup, homemade. It looked like chicken noodle and I was pretty excited to eat my dad's cooking again.

"We have homemade chicken noodle soup."

"Homemade, huh?"

I looked up, after setting the bowls down, and Lev was pointing a gun at me slightly and I panicked before even assessing the situation. I hit the deck.

"Alessio, relax! It's not loaded."

"You had it pointed at me! I would not ask!"

"My bad, I was double-checking it."

"For what!"

"Calm down. The clip isn't in it, and it isn't loaded. You can trust me."

I peaked up over the counter and he showed me the gun, the clip nowhere close to it. And he showed it wasn't loaded. Slowly, I stood up to my full height.

"Come here."




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