44 - Chapter Forty- Four - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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"Alessio, are you ignoring me?"

"If I answer you, do I still have to listen after that?"

"Yes, you do. You need to work out. Your side is fine now, enough that you can get on the treadmill."

"Sorry, what was that? I think you mentioned something I'm allergic to, exercise."

"You are not, don't be dramatic, you know you need to get into better shape. You are a Mafia don and top shape is something that you need to be in. Your father would more than agree with me. As would Maddox."

"Ugh! Why do you have to drag them in on this?"

"That's simple. They agree with me and have some kind of weight on you. Maddox is your mentor per se and Andrei is your father."

Thing was, Lev really wasn't wrong. Maddox is my mentor technically and Andrei is my father. But just because he was right didn't mean that I was going to do what he wanted me to do. I didn't want to exercise.

"Get off the couch and let's go. You're not getting out of this, Alessio."

"Let me off the hook and Ill suck—-"

"Nope. Up you go."

Lev yanked me off the couch and led me outside, his hand on the back of my neck in a hold I didn't much care for. He shoved me out to the shed, which honestly was much more than just a shed. It was way nicer. There was workout equipment of all kinds and had a big tv on the wall. The sound system was much like the one that was inside the house.

I groaned when he finally let me go and made sure to block the only way out.

"Lev, I really don't want to do this today. I would much rather go back to the couch and relax."

"Too bad, you need to."

"Fine." I snapped, angry now.

I got on the treadmill and stomped as I walked on the slowest setting. Lev went over and sat on the floor mat, stretching himself out. It was strange to see. But it drew my attention, more so when he took his t-shirt off. He looked very comfortable stretched out. I was mildly shocked that he was so flexible.

"You should pay as much attention to your workout as you are to my bare skin, Alessio."

"Eh? I don't know what you are talking about." I said, clicking my tongue for added effect.

Looking down at the treadmill, I turned it up slightly, and it was nicer at my actual walking pace. Letting out a deep sigh, I took my sweater off and tossed it on the floor a fair bit away. I was glad I decided on wearing a tank top and not a heavy t-shirt or long sleeve.

Lev was lifting weights the next time I looked up. I loved it. He was great to watch working out; it was really pleasant to see. I could see a slight sheen to his skin, probably the sweat from working it.

"Alessio. Pay attention to your workout."

"I'm paying attention to work outs, trust me."

"You are paying attention to my workout, not yours."

"Eh, wrong. I'm paying attention to the way your body is moving, not the workout."

Lev sighed before he went and set his weights down.

"Alright, off the treadmill. You can come work out on the mat."


"Yes, now."

I hit the stop and signed. Getting off the treadmill, I stomped across the floor to the mat and threw myself down against it.

"This is me refusing anything else." I grunted.

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