10 - Chapter Ten - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Fighting with Lev, or at least speaking to him in the tone I had really didn't get me far, except ignored for a week. But it wasn't even really that he ignored me, he just didn't speak to me as much as he did before. He didn't go out of his way to speak to me. I wanted to apologize, but he wasn't here, like he hadn't been the last two nights. He was here when I woke up, but not when I got back from working in the medic wing around one a.m. I figured he was either with Sasha or other friends and avoided me until he knew I would be sleeping.

It pissed me off. At least if he had a problem with me, he could have taken it up with me, not avoid me.

Taking my anger out on Caleb's stuff, I was tossing it into a black garbage bag, not even looking to see what any of it was. I really didn't care. I was too mad about Lev's bullshit to care.

Working on the fourth garbage bag of Caleb's shit, Lev came back. He looked confused to see me standing there, still in work clothing and awake. I ignored him standing there. He had a couple extra bowls in his hand the way they were packaged, telling me they were from Ryer and Sasha's. I knew that's where he had been, much to Ryer's dislike.

I continued to stuff Caleb's things into the garbage bag as he walked to the kitchen and put the bowls in the fridge. Tying up the bag, I set it beside the others and went to grab another one, but we were out of garbage bags.

Snatching my keys off the countertop, Lev suddenly spoke.

"Where are you going? It's two in the morning."

"To get into a fucking car crash."

I didn't even notice him move until I felt him yank the keys from my hand and he slammed me into the kitchen wall, knocking things down somewhere.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Alessio!" He yelled, not even masking his anger now. The anger was mixed with pain. He had clearly hurt himself by slamming me into the wall. I reached down, trying to look at his wound, but he applied more pressure with the arm he had across my chest. I looked back up at him. I was still angry.

"You could have reopened your wound. Let me look."

"No, Not until we talk about whatever the fuck that just was! A car crash! Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I didn't mean it."

"I don't care if you didn't mean it. You said it and that's enough."


"Quiet, and listen. I've had it. I've tried to give you fucking space this week to get some of your emotions under control, but I'm done. You clearly can keep a handle on your emotions."

"You want to handle my emotions when my lover died? How the fuck am I supposed to do that? Just address them and suddenly everything will be better." I screamed back at him.

"Hell, it's better than what you're doing now! You aren't even allowing yourself to grieve, you are sweeping it all under the rug and ignoring it. When was the last time you did anything more than eat, sleep, work, or shower? You don't know, do you? It's been a week since you spoke to Creed, Alexi, and your dad."

"Let me go. I don't need this!"

I pushed my hand out and hit his shirt. It was wet. Moving my hand up, my fingers were red. He was bleeding again.

"Lev, you're bleeding again. Please let me look."

"I dont fucking care, Alessio. This is hardly—-"

"Let me look at your wound, for fuck's sakes, you could bleed out!"

"I'm not."

"You don't know that!"

"It's not the first time I've reopened the wound this week."

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