Part 1

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Lisa POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up to brush my teeth and wash my face. Since I will just cook breakfast. Then I remember that I have a meeting. So, maybe I'll just take a bath after eating our breakfast.

When I reach the kitchen I open the refrigirator scanning what's inside while I tap my chin using my point finger thinking of what I will cook. hmm... bacon? ham? egg? sausage? fried rice? pancake? I said in my mind.

I ended up cooking bacon, egg, and pancake with sliced fruits. Because this is what my little guy's favorite. After I cook I told my helper/babysitter to prepare the table and I will wake up my little guy in his room.

I enter his room and he's still under the duvet hugging his favorite superhero stuffed toy. He said he wants to be superman too. I pulled down the duvet and leaned down to kiss his forehead, nose, fluffy cheeks, and his lips to wake him up but he just scrunched up his nose. So I kiss him repeatedly 'til he open his eyes and rub it with his tiny hands.

"Wake up now, love. It's breakfast time." I said sweetly then he hug me, his little arm circling my neck. 

"Sleepy mommy" He said with his cute and low tone voice.

"Okay, nana and mommy will finish all the pancakes I cooked." I said with a teasing tone. I know he can't resist his pancakes." 

"Liam will eat lots of pancake mommy" He said cheerfully then let go of the hug and sit up rubbing his eyes again and raise his both hands asking me to carry him. 

 I carried him in my arms while walking to our breakfast nook inside the kitchen area. I sat him down to his high chair. He's 4 years old already I let him eat alone even if it will result to mess. Because he needs to learn to eat by himself. Since I will enroll him to nursery this coming school year.

"Hmm... mommy youwe pancake is good." He said a bit chappy after his first bite. He can't still pronounce some letters properly.

"Of course! mommy cooked that" I said and chuckled a bit. I smiled lovingly while I am watching him every bite of his pancake. He's the only one I have, he's my life, my strength and he's my source of happiness right now. My ball of sunshine.

I have new friends here in the new country I am living now with my son. I met them when I am starting the small business I built from my savings before leaving the hell out of a place where I grew up. But I still have my walls I built around me. I am new here I still don't know whom I should trust or whom I should know about me, I just told them that I want to start a new life that's why I moved here.

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