Part 51

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Lisa's POV

I woke up and my head is hurting. I slowly open my eyes and roam my eyes around in this unfamiliar room. Suddenly the memory flashed in my mind with happened before I got here. The costumer, gun shots and my son running to me. I immediately move only to feel that my hands are tied behind me and also my feet are tied. I managed to sit on the bed and found my son laid on the bed too with me. His hands are also tied but in front of him but his feet were not. I laid beside him close as possible. I put my chin above his and kiss him at the same whispering sorry to him.

"I'm sorry baby." I cried kissing his temple. "Mommy's sorry baby." Still crying.

"You shouldn't experience things like this baby."
"I love you baby."
"I'm sorry."

I keep saying sorry to him. I can't hug him but I stay close to him to make him feel his safe even though his still sleeping. As I keep kissing and whispering to him, I felt him move. He slowly open his eyes and blink before it sink to him that we're in unfamiliar room. He tried to move his but unfortunately it's tied. He looked up to me and tears starting to fall from his eyes. My heart broke at the sight of my son crying because he's hurting too and I am sure this will be traumatic to him.

"Mommy!" He cried and try snuggle in to me. "Mommy let's go home." He added mumbling on my neck. I wanted to wipe those tears but I can't. I am just crying with him and that's all I can do.

"I'm sorry baby." I cried again. "Sshh. Stop crying baby." I added. Fvck! I wanted to hug him so badly.

"Mommy, I want to go to dada." He cried so hard that I can feel his body shake. "Dada's waiting mommy. Please go to dada." He added. Yes baby I want that too. I want to go home to Jennie. I scared but I can't make my son feel it too. He's scared already.

"I know, baby. I know." I replied and kiss him again to make him feel at ease a bit. "We will go home to dada, okay?" I added and faced him. He's crying so hard. I am hurt seeing him like this. He nodded and lean to me again.

I know Jennie is doing something already to find us. I know I can trust her. I just hope that it will be soon and she won't take long. I am not complaining though because it's my fault in the first place since the beggining. I drag her into my fucked up life. I can understand her if ever she won't find us. I already accept this fate for me. My life is messed up already before I met her. I should have not get her involve with my life when I know in the first place that my life is already fucked up. She doesn't deserve someone like me who has a messed up life. She deserve someone who will not make her life miserable like me.

"Are you two done with your drama?" My thought were cut off when someone spoke. I look where the voice coming from with wide eyes looking scared. I am not surprised anymore because I already know who can do this to me. It's my fucking ex fiancee who was arranged with me with my great father.

"What?" He asked smirking. "Aren't you happy that you see me again, my fucking fiancee?" He added asking me with his fucking evil smile.

"Don't look at him baby, okay?" I faced my face who's still crying. "Only look at me." I kiss his head and he nodded then lean to neck again.

"Hahahahaha." He laugh like a devil. "I promise you buddy. You're so called daddy won't find and get you. Remember that." He added surely talking to my son because he keeps calling his dada. Then my son keeps mumbling no while crying.

"She won't gonna see you both again." He said seriously slowly walking towards us. "Because we're leaving in a few hours babe." He chuckled.

"No!" I shouted at him. "We're not going with you!" I added.

"You have no choice babe. No one knows where are you except me and my men." He said after he laugh.

"We will get out of here!" I spat to him glaring at him.

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