Part 48

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Lisa's POV

Jennie left two days ago, I didn't go to office today because I don't have work to do and I promised Liam to have a movie with him after he's done with his homework. Right now, Liam has a private tutor session. So, I am preparing our snacks to our movie date after his tutor. While I am preparing, I heard the door bell rang. I was about to stop and walk towards the main door when one of Jennie's maid stop and open the door instead.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, we already moved in with Jennie in her house a week after she asked me. We're literally living together in one roof like a family. And about my house, we both decided not to sell it because it's somewhat investment and Jennie told me that I had that house on my own with my hard work. So, she doesn't want to sell it too and she's right about that.

"Oh. Hi Seulgi." I greet her as soon as she came inside the kitchen. "What brings you here?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just checking on you." She replied and sat infront of me on the stool chair in the island.

"Why? I'm fine Seulgi." I said assuring her. "If your friend asked you to do this, you don't have to. You can just text me." I added.

"I know but you know Jennie. She needs proof that I really came here." Seulgi laughs and I did too. Jennie doesn't need to bother someone just to check on me. She could've just call me.

"Yeah. We can't do anything about that. Aren't we?" I sigh and shake my head because of my girlfriend's silliness.

"You know that answer." She said and get a piece of fruit I am cutting. "Let's have a selfie so I can send her already the proof that I am here." I just nod and we took a selfie from her phone and she sends it to Jennie showing me.

"Don't you have work? It's still early for you to be here." I asked her because it's just almost 3pm and ahe's here already.

"I am done already. So, you're girlfriend allowed me to leave from the office." She replied and get another piece of fruit.

"What about Irene and Dana?" I asked.

"Irene will come come here after her work and Dana is with my parents at the mall." She replied while looking at her phone. Maybe Jennie is texting her for updates.

"Okay." I replied continue preparing the foods. "You can join Liam and I's movie time after his tutor if you want. Since, you're here." I added inviting her since she's here already.

"I love that. I am starting to love disney movies again." She replied agreeing to my invitation.

"Well, having a kid is not just being a parent to them. Sometimes it will bring back your inner child again." I said and chuckles.

"Agree." She said while nodding.

While we're waiting for Liam, Seulgi helps me preparing instead. She prepare the popcorn after she microwaved it and pour some juice in the cup with a bit of ice. I put all the fruits I cut in the bowl and place it on tray. After we put all our snacks on the trays, the exact moment we heard a foot step and we both look at each other telling 'he's done already and running towards us'. We just both shake our heads.

"Mommy! I'm done." Liam shout as soon as he enter the kitchen area. "Let's go! Let's watch alr-" He didn't finish what he's saying when he saw Seulgi.

"Tata! You're here!" She said with high energy and run towards Seulgi instead.

"Yes little guy." Seulgi replied and catch Liam when he jumps at her. "I'll join you to watch. Is that okay?" She added asking Liam.

"Yes tata!" Liam said hugging Seulgi. This moment is making my heart happy too. Seing Jennie's friends treating Liam like their own nephew. "Oh. I forgot to kiss mommy tata." Liam chuckles and run to me

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