Part 10

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Jennie's POV

After 3 days, my cousin called me that she can't fly back today because of an emergency to. There's a problem to the supplier of the materials for construction there. So, she still need to fix the problem before going home. But we already talked about the construction of Lisa's another branch and I will discuss it to Lisa.

"Jen, when are we gonna talk to Lisa about this matter since your cousin wasn't able to be back here." She asked me while we're sitting on the couch resting after a long meeting with the boards.

"Uhm.. Since we don't have anything to do for now, why don't we try her cafe? And I am famished because of that long ass meeting." I asked her since I am really hungry and I really wanted to try her cafe.

"Well, that's a good idea. Ever since that proposal of her I really wanted to try her cafe but we just really don't have time." She replied. "Call her now and asked her if she's in her main branch." She adds. Then I get my phone right away and start dialing her number.

After she said that she's in her branch Seulgi and I immediately leave the company. 


We went inside the cafe and the staffs greeted us. One of them went to us.

"Where's Lisa Manoban?" I asked the staff. 

"She's still with her visitor, over there." She replied as she point to where Lisa is. Seulgi and I both look at the direction and saw her talking with a guy at the table in the corner.

"Oh okay, we will just for her." I said as we look for vacant table because the cafe is almost full.

"Sure ma'am I'll just get your order." She replied as we found a table. We both scan the menu.

"We'll just get both Iced americano. What pastry can you recommend for us?" I said and asked.

"Our Croissants and Cream cheese danishes are our best seller here for pastries ma'am. But it's limited because Ms. Lisa is the one who baked them so not everyday we have them. Since it's available now, I will recommend that to you." She replied smiling at the both of us. I see the staffs are giving good services to the costumers. But what impress me the most that Lisa baked herself to serve for the costumers.

"Okay we will get each one. Thank you." I said and give her back the menu. She went to the counter already after she told us to wait for our orders.

"Wow, I didn't expect her to be this hands on that she will be the one who will bake herself. I thought she's just the boss who ordered her workers." Seulgi said. "Me too Seulgs." I replied smiling at her like a proud girlfriend. 

"You look like a proud girlfriend, stop smiling like that. You have your rival already even if you are not starting to court her" Seulgi said teasing me and look at Lisa's direction then I look there too. The guy is ready to leave already since they both stand and start walking. When she saw us she just smiled at us and sign to us that she will just walk the guy to the door. I hate to see that she's smiling pretty to the guy. 

"You guys already here." She said and sit at vacant seat in the middle of Seulgi and I since table is round. "Did I made you wait that long? Did you order already? I will get it for you two." She added.

"Uh no, we just got here and yes we order already." I said before she stand up. Then the staff came and put our orders to table. "Ms. Lisa do you want something?" The staff asked her. "No, I'm okay I already had my coffee." Lisa replied and the staff went to the other costumer.

"So what are we gonna talk about?" Lisa asked. 

"Okay about that, your friend can't go back home now so we talked about the construction already through phone call and she just asked us to tell it to you." I replied to Lisa after I took a bite of the croissant. And it's really delicious.

"She could've just call me and not bother you two maybe you have important errands." She said saying sorry to us. "No, it's okay we want to try your cafe, since we're business partners already we should know about your cafe too." Seulgi said this time. "Well point taken. So, what can you say about the pastries since it's the one you order?" She asked us smiling waiting for our answer.

"It's so delicious Lisa!" Seulgi said happily. "Yeah it's really good." I added.

"Oh thanks, you're lucky we have that now because we don't have it everyday, because honestly I am the one who made that dishes you ordered. So, thanks that you like it." She said showing us her beautiful smile and feeling proud of herself.

We just keep talking about random things and about the construction that will start in 2 weeks. And she's very much okay with that. We didn't pay what we ate since she said it's her treat and it's her thanks for us that we trust her and willing to invest to small business she have.

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