Part 26

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Jennie's POV

I woke up when I feel someone is shaking my shoulder. When I open my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman in my eyes. Well except for my mother. As I fully open my eyes I felt something heavy above my body. When I heard Lisa's giggles that's when I realized that Liam is sleeping on top my body but his body laying horizontally, so our body is looking like a cross. This little guy right here above me is still sleeping peacefully.

"Hey! Good morning! Wake him up. Breakfast is ready." Lisa greeted me and smile at me sweetly. I felt my heart is melting. I love this scenario every morning to happen. I can't wait to come home to them.

"Good morning love!" I greeted back and smile too. "Okay, I'll wake him up. You can wait us downstairs, we'll just brush our teeth." I added and she nodded then went out of Liam's room.

After Liam and I's morning routine, we head downstairs. I greeted Lisa again properly giving her a hug and a kiss on her temple, soon it will be on her lips. We ate our breakfast happily because of our silly baby boy here. But after our breakfast Liam started being clingy to me again because he knows that I'll be leaving. As much as I want to bring both of them with me but I can't. Lisa has her own work too and she still need to visit her new branch since it will be finish in a month or less that's why she need to be there more often.

Before I leave their house, Lisa and I argue a bit but not a big deal. She wants to drop me off at the airport and pick me up when I come back. At first I didn't agree because I don't want her to get tired and drive for an hour alone with Liam. Since Liam doesn't want me to go she said that it's better if they will bring me to airport. So, I don't have a choice but to let them. But instead of using her car, we brought my car because Liam's car seat is in my car already and it's bigger. I know Lisa can drive my car even though it's bigger than hers. I trust her so I will let her drive my G-Wagon, my favorite car that came from my hard work.

Lisa's POV

After persuading Jennie to let us drop her off to airport, we went to her house first because she need to take a bath and arrange her luggage. 

When we arrived at her house I told her to take a bath first and I'll arrange her luggage. She even let me choose the clothes she will bring and I even arrange her toiletries. And as my son is being extra clingy he even go to the Jennie's bathroom with her. Liam said he will watch Jennie because maybe the airplane is inside her bathroom and leave without telling him. We just laugh at his silliness but of course Jennie took him with her.

Jennie double check everything she needed before we leave her house. She drove her car first going to the airport but of course Liam still clinging onto her. When we arrived at the airport, we walk Jennie to the departure gate. Jennie carrying the crying Liam in her arms hugging her tight in her neck. I can't even pull Liam from her.

"Hey bubba, go to your mommy. Stop crying already. I promise I'll be back. Okay?" Jennie said while calming my son. "I promise we will eat a lot of ice cream and we will go back to park again." She added.

"No! I don't want ice cweam and pawk." Liam said in between his sobs. "Bwing Liam dada." He added and cried louder earning some attention from other people.

"Bubba." Jennie sadly. I know he don't want to see Liam cry like this. "It will be just a few days and I'll be with you again." She added but Liam just shake his head still crying.

"How about your dada will sleep in your room again if he comes back?" This time I talked to Liam which caught his attention and look at me.

"Pwomise?" He said then look back at Jennie. "You will sleep with Liam?" He asked Jennie.

"Of course bubba. You count with mommy how many sleep before I come back. So, wait for me okay?" Jennie said calmy while patting his head.

"Okay dada. Take cawe okay?" Liam pouts. "I love you" He peck Jennie's lips before asking me to carry him.

"Okay bubba. Thank you. I love you too, okay?" Jennie said then kissed Liam's head and Liam just nodded while wiping his tears.

Jennie took her luggage at the trunk of her car and went back to us. She double check her things again before she will go inside the airport.

"Love, you two take care too okay? Drive slowly." She reminded me and stand in front of us with her luggage beside her.

"Yes. Thank you, you too." I replied then she hand me her car keys. 

"I'll call you every night when I come back to the hotel so this little guy here will stop being whiny." She said then pat Liam's head who's pouty.

"Okay. We'll wait but if you're tired just take a rest. I can handle him and I'll explain to him." I said.

"No, I'll call. I promise. I won't ever get tired talking to the both you." She said sincerely.

"But-" She cutted me.

"No buts." She said. "I'll go inside now. As much as Liam want my airplane to leave but I can't." She added while chuckling.

"Okay." I laughed a bit. "Go now. Don't forget my reminders on how you will put back your clothes in you luggage okay? And please, separate your used clothes and put it in the laundry bag." I reminded her again. Because one time, when I get her clothes inside her trunk I found her used clothes with the unused ones and scolded her.

"Yes ma'am" She replied and playfully salute in front me. "Bye bubba" She kissed Liam again. "Bye love. Take care. Call me if anything." She hugged the both us and kissed me in my temple and cheeks.

When she enter the gate, she waved her hand the last time before she finally enter. We walked to Jennie's car and I put Liam to his car seat. I drove the car going to the site for a while to check everything there before going home. I decided not to go to my office today since we'll drop Jennie to the airport and just continue my day entertaining Liam. I will let him eat his favorite sweets just for tonight while we watch some movies because I am sure that Jennie will going bring him to the ice parlor when comes back.

It's not that long since Jennie left, but I admit I miss her already. 

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