Part 43

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A very long chapter ahead.

Jennie's POV

I didn't notice that Lisa left and went somewhere I don't know. I just knew when I heard Liam shout that he's hurt. That's when I found that Lisa is carrying him while she's in hurry like running away from something. I also notice that she's been crying while panicking and I can see it in her back that's she's having a hard time breathing. My friends and I keep on calling her but she's not looking back at us even once. She just keep on running.

We all decided to follow where she will going before we lose her from our sight. We all sigh in relief when she went straight inside our villa but still follow her inside. She went inside our immediately, I followed her first then our friends at my back. Before I can enter our room I heard her talk to Liam about packing his own stuff but Liam is so clueless of what's happening that's why Lisa shouted at him that made him cry out loud. I run fast to enter the room only see Liam crying at the bed while Lisa is putting anything she gets from the closet to luggage.

I don't know what's happening or what's going on with Lisa. I only know that I am worried about them while I am still confused. Maybe mad too because I don't know what's the reason why she's being like this. I don't want to see her like this and I need to know. I asked her the moment I went beside her but she's not answering me so I stopped her forcefully to face me and to answer me. She's crying too much and hardly breathing but before she could answer me, she passed out. I carried her to the bed and lay her down. After that Liam immediately run into and crying in my arms. I keep saying sorry to him on behalf of her mom until he fell asleep in my arms.

"Where did she go?" I break the silence while we're inside our room waiting for Lisa to wake up. Liam still in my arms sleep because he doesn't want to let go of me even if he's sleeping.

"S-she just used the restroom." Rosé answered me stuttering. They know me if I am serious.

"Are you sure?" I asked because Lisa didn't ask me. It's not that I always want to know where she's going but Lisa always tell me or ask me even if I told her not to. Because I don't want to make her feel that I am invading her privacy.

"Yes Jen. That's what she told us." Irene spoke this time assuring me.

"Then what the hell happened? Why was she became like that?" I asked them a bit loud but I am not mad at them, it's just that I feel frustrated, upset, or I don't know what I am feeling right now. All I want is to know what happened to her.

"Calm down Jen." Jisoo talk this time and went beside me. "We all don't know what happened to her, okay?" Seulgi butted in.

"Let's wait for her to wake up and ask her." They all said to me. So, we have no choice but wait for her.

While we're waiting, Jisoo and Seulgi went out to get us some food and two took a bath first. When Liam woke up, I managed to make him play Dana while we're waiting for his mom to wake up and told him that her mom will say sorry him.

The moment we're done eating, the exact moment Lisa moved. So, I immediately went towards her and hold her hand while she's slowly opening her eyes. When she completely open her eyes, I felt her flinched and look around the room panicking. She didn't even look at us but she look at her hand that I am holding and suddenly sat up then pulled her body away from looking scared.

"No! Let me go!" She shouts like she's not in herself. "Please!" She added then starts to cry again. I don't want to see her like this, I can't. Forcefully or not I want to know what's happening.

"Love, it's me. I am Jennie." I said softly calming her while slowly walking towards her in the corner of the room.

"N-no! Y-you're taking me a-way!" She shouts again. "Don't come near me! Let me go!" She added then sat down hugging herself.

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