Part 20

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Lisa's POV

I haven't seen Jennie these past few days and I admit I kinda miss her. The last time I saw her was on the night she dropped us home after the birthday party. Seulgi said she's been busy these days because of meetings.

Now I am going to the site and I am hoping that I am going to her there even for a short period of time. I didn't plan on going to the site since I am here at my office today but I got a call from Seulgi if I can stop by for a quick talk about the site. I'll leave early this afternoon so I can go home before dinner.

I arrived at the site after 30 minutes because of the traffic. I immediately went down of my car and go to the office to meet Seulgi.

"Hi Seulgi. I'm sorry I am late the traffic is bit bad." I said as soon as I enter the office.

"It's okay Lisa no need to worry." Seulgi replied then we went out of the office.

It's almost a month when the construction started and you can see the progress already. The walls are already built, they're now focusing on the interior. The architect and engineers talked to us about the interior. The architect showed me some of the changes and suggested what they should do about the changes.

In the middle of our discussion with the architect, Jennie suddenly arrived and I automatically smile as soon I saw her and she did the same.

"I thought I couldn't catch up with you." Jennie said as she approached us and give Seulgi a fist bump while she gave me a cheek to cheek and she placed her hand on my lower back. I am sure that I blushed at her sudden action.

"It's okay Jen. I understand that you're busy too." I replied to her. She just stay beside with her hand still on my lower back and told the architect to go continue on discussing.

Seulgi keeps on teasing Jennie about the action she did to me so Jennie remove her hand but I just laugh at them while they're bickering and I continue listening to the architect.

Atfer that we want to the office. Seulgi didn't stop giving Jennie a teasing smile. Then Seulgi left first because she will pick up Irene. So, Jennie and I left alone at the office.

"Uhm Lisa." Jennie called me.

"Yes?" I fix my bag and ready to leave.

"Can I uhm.. Can I invite you for a dinner?" She asked me standing in front of while scratching her nape.

"I would love to but I promise Liam to bring him on a dinner date. I'm sorry." I replied as I put my bag on my shoulder.

"Oh. Is it okay If I join you two? I mean can I bring you two to a dinner date?" Jennie asked.

"Are you sure? Is it okay if we're with Liam?" I answer with a question.

"Of course Lisa. I would love to with Liam too." She said smiling widely at me.

"Oh okay. But I have my car with me. I will pick up Liam first, we'll meet you at the restaurant." I said.

"Uhm is it okay if I just followed you and use my car, so I could drop you home both." She offered.

"Sure, it's okay." I said and smile.

We both leave the site and drive going home while she followed me behind. When we arrived home we both park outside the house. She asked me if she can transfer Liam's car seat to her car and I agreed. I gave her my car keys and I call Liam inside the house. Liam is dressed waiting for me already.

"Hey baby. Let's go I have a surprise for you." I told Liam as I kiss him.

"Let's go mommy." He replied pulling me already.

As soon as we got out he run to Jennie as he saw her. Liam shout excitedly.

"Dada!" Jennie kneeled down catching Liam as he jump at her. "You'we coming?" He added after he hug Jennie.

I am just looking at them smiling, I am happy that Liam is happy with her. It feels like they're really a father and son and I wish Liam won't be hurt. That's the last thing I would want to happen. I don't want Liam to get hurt if the time comes that Jennie will realize that Liam is not from her. I know that even if we're not in a relationship she loves my son already. What if one day she realize that I am just a woman who got pregnant by someone she doesn't even know and left me and Liam? I am sure my son will get hurt. That's what I am afraid of.

"Hey Lisa. Are you okay? You're spacing out." She called me cutting of my thoughts.

"Yeah. I am sorry." I replied smiling apologetically.

"Mommy let's go I am hungwy." Liam butted in pulling me.

Jennie opened the passenger door for me first then put Liam on his car seat that is already inside Jennie's car. Then she starts driving going to the restaurant.

When we arrived at the restaurant, she carry Liam in her arm and hold my hand with her free hand. She glance at me smiling and we continue to walk to out table guiding me. Liam sat beside him after Jennie pull a chair for me, I am sitting across them. She ordered for us and after a few minutes the food arrived. We are just talking randomly while we're eating. She's the one feeding Liam from time to time since I told her to let Liam it on his own.

After our dinner we decided to bring Liam to the ice cream house because he's requesting it while we're eating dinner. I allowed him this time since he's happy and I promise him for this date.

When we arrived at my house, Liam ask him to stay for a while and play with him which Jennie agreed. While they're playing I took a bath first and changed to my pajama already. I go downstairs and found them playing at the living room. Since it's getting late I told Liam to take a bath and sleep already but this stubborn son of mine asked Jennie to bath him and Jennie gave in and told me it's okay. She get extra clothes first to her car before they both take a bath in Liam's room. I waited for them sitting at Liam bed. After they took a bath Liam request something again at Jennie. So, Jennie and I got no choice because Liam is giving Jennie his puppy eyes.

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