Part 47

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Lisa's POV

Few weeks after our street foods date, we went back to normal. We both back to being busy with our works. Jennie became busy these days because of her new project and I am always at my office to monitor my 3 branches of café. There's a time that Jennie can't pick me up at my office after work and Liam's driver which she assigned is picking me up instead. But she's always home before dinner.

Liam is so happy in his school and he's starting to have friends. Ever since Jennie's father introduced Golf to Liam, my son always want to stay at Jennie's parents every weekend. At first, Jennie is against about it because she said Liam is too young to be in that place and to hear everything about business. She wants Liam to enjoy being a kid because she experienced being exposed to business at a young age. But she can't resist Liam's cuteness every time he's asking Jennie to bring him to her parents. So, she just to talk to her father to just let Liam play and not talk or teach him about business.

These days, I admit, that I am still scared of sorroundings every time I am alone outside. Because I can still feel that I am being watched that's why I am not letting Liam and I go outside alone as much as possible. I didn't tell about this much to Jennie because I don't want to add some burden to her because I know she's been stressed about her works. And I don't want her to think that I am being a clingy girlfriend because ever since that I felt scared again I started being clingy to her to the point that I don't want her to leave beside me. She has a company to run and employees that needs her.

Since it's saturday, Jennie just went to her company this morning to check some important papers. Liam is already at her parents house since last night. Our friends is here in Jennie's house. We decided to have dinner together and drink as well since the kids is with their grandparents. After the dinner, they set up at the backyard where we are going to bond and drink.

"I feel like we didn't see each other for a year. We deserver this drinking session." Jisoo said after drinking in her glass. They're drinking whiskey while Irene, Rosé and I drinks wine.

"Yeah. Jennie is more busy than us." Seulgi agreed to Jisoo and blame to Jennie because it's true Jennie is more busy than them.

"Yah! I am not. I am just working hard because I have a family to secure their future." Jennie defended herself. Jennie's only reason every time they are saying Jennie is busy or workaholic.

It's always makes my heart flatter every time Jennie tells to everyone that Liam and I are her family. At first we're always arguing about that because I felt like I pass the responsibility to her to take care of Liam and myself also. But she's always saying that we are her family already ever since I became her girlfriend. Being responsible for us is part of being a family and treating Liam as his own. So, I just let her tell to everyone that we are a family. Seeing her proud of being a father to Liam is too much for me. I can't thank her enough because she accept Liam wholeheartedly.

"Oh yeah I forgot. You're a family man already." Jisoo laughs with Seulgi but they are looking so proud of their friend.

"Yes I am." Jennie replied sounded like a proud provider but she really is.

We just continue talking about some random things and mocking each other. Talking about our next plan to where we want to have a vacation. About the kids schools. Then we had a seperate topics from the three who's talking about business again. We talk about stuff about shopping because Irene wants to buy this certain bag from prada while Rosé from YSL. So, we plan to go on a shopping date tomorrow but it's just us three. Well, I am not the type of girl who loves designer brands but when it comes to them that side of me is coming out. It's not that I can't afford it, it's just that I don't have someone to go on a shopping date these past few years. But now that I have someone to go on a shopping, I guess my shoppaholic ass will control me.

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