Part 2

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Lisa POV

I am done taking a bath and I am now picking clothes to my not so big walk-in-closet. While I am rummaging my dresses looking for a style that will look presentable and formal at the same time my son enter.

"Mom, whewe awe you going? is yiam going too?" He said standing behind me and I face him.

"I'm sorry love, you can't go with mommy this time I am not going to the shop. Mommy will go somewhere I have a meeting baby." I replied with a soft tone. As much as I want to bring him with but I can't. Maybe a small bribe will work. I know he will cry or use his puppy eyes so he can get to come with me because he knows that it is my weakness.

"But mommy, I want to go with you." He said forming tears in his beautiful doe eyes like mine. See, he will use my weakness.

"Hmm... how about we will eat ice cream when I get home? hmm how's that sound?" I said bribing him with ice cream which I am not allowing him to eat but sometimes I let him. I just don't want him to eat too much sweet he's prone to tonsilitis. 

"Weally mommy? We will eat ice cweam?" He replied with a happy tone while smiling widely.

"Yes my love. So, wait for mommy okay?" I said lovingly then kiss his head. He nodded as reply while smiling ear to ear. "Go and wait mommy inside the room and don't jump on the bed okay?" I said in softly with a hint of a warning tone. Then he went outside my closet. 

After I decided what I should wear. I went outside the closet also and found my little guy sitting above the bed playing with his tractor toy. I get his attention by calling him. "Love, let's go downstairs mommy's going to leave now." He just go down the bed and raise his hand so I can carry him.

"Baby, mommy's going now be good to nana and listen to her okay?" I said as I put him down and kneeled to level his height and pat his head.

"Yes mommy. Bye bye don't forget my  ice cweam mommy." He replied sounding like an adult but I chuckled because of his cute voice.

"Yes sir!" I said with matching salute and we both giggles."Bye my love I love you" I said and peck his tiny lips. "I wuv you mommy." He replied then hug me. I stand up and walk to the door not forgeting to remind nana of intsructions for Liam. Then turn to face my son again to wave my hand and give him a flying kiss before I completely out of his sight. 

Then I walk to my car, enters then start the engine before starting to drive away.

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