Part 4

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Jennie's POV

We still have 5 mins before we start the meeting but the one we have to meet is not yet here. Okay Jennie 5mins... we still have 5 minutes... I said in my mind calming myself. I hate being late so I hate waiting. If no one enter this room in 5 minutes I will cancel this meeting and won't give a chance. Coming late on the first meeting is not a good impression for me. Even if who you are. Late is late and I hate late.

"Jen we still have a few minutes we can wait her, right?" Seulgi said worrying because she knows I hate late and I am not tolerating being late. So, she? For a woman who's starting in business field I am not expecting something like this. For all I know women are the most impatient one they always want it to be perfect and they always make a good impression. 

"You can but I can't." I replied with a serious tone. She just sighed.

I look at my wrist watch, 10am exact, okay I waited enough I can't wait for another minutes.

"It's 10am already and she's not yet here. I'll go now." I said not looking at Seulgi and Irene. My secretary is sitting at the corner for the room near us.

"Let's wait for another 5 minutes Jen, I know this meeting is important to her." Seulgi said pleading me but I don't know, a part of me want to wait still. I somehow understand, the business is just starting. My grandfather used to tell me how he started this business. Many of them reject him because he started from nothing they belittle his abilities and knowledge. But now this business he started beat them all and looking up to him. I remember he told me once to help some businesses who needs us because he do know the feeling of being belittle and rejected. Okay for my grandfather I will wait for a few minutes. I said in my mind closing my eyes for a few seconds before opening it.

"Fine." I said then leaned lazily at my chair. "Okay, thank you Jen." She replied smiling.

After a few minutes she's still not here. Okay I've waited enough again. I suddenly stand up from my seat. "I'll go now it looks like she's not gonna show up." I said with a stern voice and ready to leave. Seulgi held my wrist to stop me. "Jen-" A door opening sound stop her from talking we both look to the direction of the door.

A woman enters catching her breathe that we can also hear, sweaty and a bit visible dirt on her dress. After a few seconds her breathing got stable and fix her dress. When our eyes met, I don't know but I feel something strange. Her eyes doe eyes is captivating that matches her small face, prominent nose, her bangs is perfect and her plump lips is inviting. Oh shoot no.. did I check her out? no.. no.. I said and shrugged in my mind. She's late yeah she is late.

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