Part 35

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Jennie's POV

When I came home last night, Lisa immediately run to me the moment she saw me when I open the door.  She welcomed with a hug that she almost jumped into me. Good thing that I am still holding the door knob because if not maybe we fell on the ground. I know that she's safe with my friends that's why I am at ease when I left them but I didn't know that she feel this safe when she's in my arms and she's seeing me with her naked eyes. I look at friends, while Lisa was still in my arms, to see them smiling to both of us.

Today is the of the opening and ribbon cutting of Lisa's new branch. Since I am almost living here in Lisa's house, I am preparing with them. Lisa is preparing in her while I am preparing with Liam in his room. Liam chose to wear almost the same as mine. He's wearing his cute tuxedo with a bow tie while I am wearing a lady tux but without a tie of course. Because you know I still look a woman outside but a man inside my underwear. 

When I made sure that Liam is perfectly done, I take a look at myself first in the mirror and check if forgot something, we already went downstairs and sat at the couch to wait for Lisa to be done. I am not sure of what Lisa is wearing because last night before we sleep she keeps asking me to choose what she should wear but ended up that she will decided after she take a bath this morning.

"Mommy!" Liam shouted breaking the silence, when he saw his mom at stairs. 

The moment I saw her walking down the stairs, I felt like the world stops and she's the only one moving slowly from my eyes. I felt my heart beating out my chest so fast as if my heart wants to go out. I didn't notice that I am standing up already waiting for her to walk towards me. She's so beautiful even though her make up is so light.


 Her doe eyes that I really to stare. Her pointy nose that I want to pinch. Her lips, her plump lips that I want to kiss every damn time. Her facial features that suits her tiny face. F*ck, I am whipped. 

"Dada." "Jennie." They both called me waking me up from my day dreaming and appreciating Lisa's beauty.

"We've been calling you many times but it seems that you're spacing out." Lisa said standing in front me. Oh good Lord stop me from grabbing her in kiss her in front of his son.

"Oh. Ye-yeah, sorry." I stuttered. "I uhm.. It's just that you uhm.." I am holding my breathe when she cut me from speaking.

"Relax. Breathe. I should be the one feeling nervous here." Lisa chuckled. Oh man even her chuckles is so sexy to me. 

"You're beautiful." The only thing I said because she really is. I want to be the first one to say it to her today because for sure everyone in event will compliment her.

"Silly but anyways." She stopped and look at me in the eyes. "Thank you. Because of you I am able to open another branch of my business. Thank you, really." She said sincerely and smile sweetly to me. 

"No. Thank you for choosing me." I replied and held her hand. She just smile at me maybe stopping the drama.

"Let's go before you're dramatic ass start." See, I am right. I just laugh in my mind.

"Okay love. Let's go." I said then get her purse from her hand. "Let's go buddy you're mom doesn't want us to be late." As I face Liam and he smile at me then hold her mom's other hand.

We walk outside and head to my car. As long as I want to use my Porsche 911 Carrera for her special day but I can't because Liam is with us. His car seat won't fit in the small car. I open the door first for my beautiful date before I settled my cutie little date too in the back seat of my car.

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