Part 53

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Jennie's POV

While we're waiting outside the room where they're treating Liam. Lisa finished first and got out from the emergency room. They told us to wait inside the room where they will stay since they will bring Lisa there right now. The hospital staff with a nurse push Lisa's hospital bed first and we followed them behind. Once we all enter the room I get a chair and placed it beside Lisa then sat down. I held her hand as I kiss it repeatedly while whispering sorry's and I love you's.

Good thing that Rosé is with us. Even though she wasn't able to treat Lisa and Liam, she was able to explain to us everything the doctor said. We are just waiting for Liam to bring here. Rosé said the reason why she wasn't able to treat Liam on her own, it's because of their code of ethics. Rosé is somewhat relative to Liam because she said he's her nephew. As per Lisa, Rosé is not assigned at the ER department and she's already an attending and consultant doctor. But she still look for Lisa and Liam to get some information.

After an hour, they brought Liam here inside the room. I seated in between them. The moment Liam is already settled in his bed, I immediately sat beside him on his bed. Holding his hand and kissing her forehead where his wound at. I kissed it softly and carefully not to hurt him. I just wanted to kiss the pain away from my son. If I can really take all the pain and wounds he has I would gladly accept it with open arms.

"Ms. Kim." The doctor called me that cause me to face him. I still hold Liam's hand while carresing his head lightly. "I have good news and bad news. Well not that really bad." He added.

"Is there something wrong with the both of them?" Asked a bit nervous. I don't want bad news, I really hate bad news.

"Ah.. I.. Yes." And that fucked me up. I just really wish it's not that serious because if it is, I promise to God and sorry to him that I will kill Jaehyun with my own hands right away. "B-but I guess I will start with the bad one. Since Ms. Lisa is still asleep." He stuttered at first because I was glaring at him. You can't blame me. I am still a Kim and I still intimidate all the people with just my eyes.

"Go on." I said seriously.

"Hmm. As you can see Ms. Kim, as a doctor we need the information of the patient's history. I happen to know Ms. Lisa's past records and what happened to both of them today, since you father explained it to me." He stops and breathe.

"And then?" I asked.

"To what happened today, Ms. Lisa's case maybe will trigger her panic attacks. I found out that she's seeing a psychiatrist and counseling with them 2 years ago and stopped having a medication for almost year or half I think. Her doctor told me that she just stopped seeing her." The doctor stops and again breathe looking at me if he can continue.

"Psychiatrist? Medication? What for?" I asked confused. Lisa didn't tell me that she's seeing a psychiatrist.

"Yes Ms. Kim. Her doctor told me that she's having a nightmare and she's traumatized the reason why she's having a medication. Since it's  confidential, I didn't know the reason. That's why I am telling that what happened today may trigger her again. If that happens you can call me or press the emergency button above her. Her doctor told me that she will visit her if that happens." The doctor finished explaining about Lisa. Maybe I will talk to her when she wakes up and she's better. I have a lot of questions to her, really.

"Okay doc, I will." I said. "What about my son?" I added.

"Oh is he your son?" He asked then looked at his chart. Maybe because Liam still using Lisa's surname.

"Yes." I asked. "So what about him?" I added.

"Oh uhm.. About Liam, we all don't know when will he wakes up maybe 2-3 days or earlier. The impact on his head was a bit hard that traumatized him so his body decides to take a rest that's why he's still sleeping. We already injected him to make him conscious but his body is rejecting it. He's responding to the other medication that's why we didn't put him in the ICU. All we have to do is to wait for him to wake up. And the same procedure if he wakes up call me or press the emegency button." He said and done explaining. For the love God if Liam didn't wake up or something serious happen. All that's in my mind is to kill that fucking Jaehyun.

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