Part 12

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Jennie's POV

Today is the day of the ground breaking ceremony, the construsction will start today. I am now preparing myself, I am already done taking a bath. As I am dressing up my phone rang, Seulgi's name appeared.

"Yes seulgs?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Can you pick me up? Irene has an emergency meeting she left already so I let her drive my car, she'll meet us at lunch." She replied on the other line.

"Sure, no problem Seulgs. Wait me there I am dressing up already." I said.

"Okay I am ready, take care." She said then hang up.

I picked her up already and we are on our way to the place where the new branch of Lisa's cafe will going build.

When we arrived Lisa is here too already and we approached her to know that we are here too.

"Hey Good morning! You're early today." I said as we approach her.

"Good morning too Ms. Kim and Ms. Kang. Yeah, I am just excited. Thanks to the both of you for investing and be my business partner. I am happy really." She replied smiling so widely to us. She really have a beautiful smile.

"You're welcome Lisa, you deserve it." I said and smiled at her too.

"So, shall we start the ceremony?" Seulgi butted in.

"Sure let'go." Lisa and I both said at the same time.

The ceremony starts, some businessman and businesswoman I invited are here too but some of them can't attend today. I invited them so Lisa can know some of them, maybe it will help for her business. I am the first one to have a speech and introduced Lisa to them, after that Lisa got to speak too. After her speech we both do the shovel thing, we shoved it to the ground, the last part of the ceremony. It only means that we're already a business partners. Then all of them congratulates us for this new project. Some them are leaving one by one but some are still here talking to others because they take this as a chance to have a small talk to other businessman or businesswoman.

"Congratulations Lisa!" I said to Lisa and hug her for a seconds then face her.

"Thank you and congratulations too." She replied and smiled.

"So, can we invite you for lunch today? Since we have a succesful ceremony." I asked her hoping that she will accpet the offer now.

"Oh sure, I was about to ask you two for lunch. I am so really thankful to the both of you for trusting me."
She replied.

"That's nothing, you really deserve this. So let's go?" I said. Then we leave seperately, sadly she drive her own car following us. I can't wait to have her on my passenger seat beside me.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat the reserved seat for us. Irene is here too since I picked up Seulgi at their house. We ordered and the food is here already. We we're just talking while we're eating.

"Can we stop talking about business or work here."
Seulgi suddenly said.

"Oh sorry." Lisa replied then chuckled.

"So Lisa, what do you do before you start your cafe? I mean we're friends already right? Is it okay to ask about you?" Seulgi said.

"Yeah it's okay." She replied. "Uhm.. Nothing except studying but I wasn't able to graduate sorry. Of does that change your mind you can tell me since I don't have any degree." She added sounded so sadly because she didn't finish her college.

"Hey it's okay nothing will change" Seulgi replied. "Do you mind If I ask you why you didn't finish your college?" I asked this time.

"Uhm.. Ah I-I... just can't finish it for some reasons." She replied stuttering and hesitant. Maybe she's not yet ready to open, can't blame her, we just know each other for a month.

"It's okay, we can wait for you to open up. We have a lot of time. But I can assure you that you can trust us Lisa." I said softly assuring her that she can trust us.

We're not that dumb not to notice that she's hiding herself. The way she talks and answered, you can feel it that she's protecting the wall she build. I will make her trust me. You can feel or see if the person is not trusting you their personal lives or matter. She trust us when it comes to our business.

She's about to speak when her phone rang.

"Sorry, is it okay? I will just answer here?" She asked holing her phone. Since we're sitting far away from the main door of the restaurant. We all nodded at her and she answer her phone, cover her mouth and phone.

"Yes?" She said as she answered with a low tone it's not that we want to eavesdrop but we can hear her since we're on the same table.

"What happened?"
"Okay okay." She said like she's panicing. Then she look at her wrist watch.
"Love, I'm coming okay wait for me." Love? wtf!
"Okay, I will. Bye I love you too." I love you too? what? She's in a relationship???

"Uhm I'm sorry, I have to go, I have an emergency. I'll make it up to you guys. I am really sorry." She said as she stand up and bow to us. She left hurriedly not waiting for our response, maybe it's really emergency. But love? I love you? who might it be? fvck I think I am going crazy.

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