Part 42

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Lisa's POV

I woke up when I felt my breast is being squeeze. I open my eyes a bit even though I am still sleepy. I pulled up the duvet and look down only to find out Jennie's hand is the squeezing them, I almost forgot that we're still naked. She's spooning me that's why her hand is on my breast and the other is under my head. I hold her hand and about to remove it but she squeezed it more tightly.

"Yah!" I said as turn around to face her then found out she's still sleeping. My God is she dreaming?

Instead of getting back to sleep, I just stare at her lovely face thinking about what happened last night. I didn't regret giving myself to her. This is the first time that I felt this way. I feel love and safe. It's not just sex, we made love. She made me feel how she loves me and being in her arms make me feel that I am safe. My best friend is really right, I deserve this kind of love and happiness and Jennie deserves it too. She deserve to have my trust that's why I gave it to her. She did nothing but to love me.

So, now I decided to tell her everything about me because she deserves to know the truth about me or who am I. Since, we can leave Liam to our friends and their nanny, I will invite her to have a dinner date with me. I know that she will listen to me and still accept me, I hope. It's now or never. If ever what will be her reaction, I will understand her. Telling her everything about me is what more important.

I place my hand on her cheek and caress it with my thumb slowly. I love her. I really do. I am thinking what did I do in my past life just to give me such an angel in my life. Someone who still accept me even though I am a single mother and even treated Liam as her own. I am so f*cking lucky. I didn't even realize that I am staring at her face for too long. I pecked her lips and giggled when she scrunched her.

"Hmm." She hummed and hug waist tightly pulling me closer to her.

"Good morning love." I greeted her lovingly and peck her lips again then I snuggle to her neck.

"Good morning too my love." She replied with her bedroom voice and it sounded sexy to my ears. I felt her kissed the top of my head.

"Wake up now. I am hungry and I want to see our little bubba." I said as I face her and she opened her eyes. She smiled at me lovingly and this time she's the one who kiss me first.

"Okay love. Let's take bath first." She kissed my forehead before she got up and handed me her shirt to wear. "You go first love but wait I'll just prepare your hot bath." She added after she wear her shorts.

"Thank you love but join me so we can save time." I replied and sat up from the bed. "Ugh." I moaned in pain but I don't feel so much pain. Maybe because it's so long since my last and she's just so big.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She immediately went to me when she heard me.

"Yeah love. It's just that, I am bit sore." I told her but she chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Sorry." But she's still chuckling.

After she prepare the bath tub, she just carry me to bathroom. We just took a bath together and she just help me bath. We didn't do anything just bath.

We went out of our room and go to Liam who's playing already with Dana. We're a bit late so they had breakfast already. After we ate our breakfast, we just stroll around the place again and have our lunch outside. Liam never left at Jennie's arm because he just wanted to be carried. I felt like he misses Jennie than me but it's okay anyway. Looking at both of them having their own world makes my heart melt in happiness. We're just girlfriends but it felt like we're a family. Liam deserves to have a complete family and Jennie completes us.

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