Part 38(2)

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Lisa didn't stop me but instead she sat on my lap. We just shared our passionate kiss until I felt her arms locked in my neck. Slowly it became aggressive, she responded to my kiss with the same intensity. I lick her lip asking for entrance and my hands on her waist are gripping tighter. She let my tongue in and suck each others tongue.

My hands starts to roam around her body. My kisses moves from her lips to her jawline. When my lips went to her neck she tug my hair tight that made us both moan. I untie her robe and slowly remove it with my right hand, my left hand supporting her waist, slowly tracing her shoulder blade while removing the robe until it falls from her body. She's only wearing her undergarment under her robe. I stare at her breast for a few second before I kiss her neck again.

"Uhmm.." I heard her sexy moan when found her weak spot on her neck. Her robe totally fell on the ground then her hand tug back my hair. I can feel how warm her body.

"Fuck!" I moaned as I pulled up when I felt her hips grind on me. I slowly move my hands up on her back until I reach the lock of her bra while she's still grinding slowly.

"Oh shit!" Lisa moaned so loud as I suck her nipple. She arch her back pressing my head more to her breast. Then she pulled up my shirt the reason my mouth left her mound. I stand up lifting her then lay her down to the bed.

I pulled her legs towards the edge of the bed. I leaned down and kiss her lips aggressively while massaging her breast. We both moaned in our mouth. My right hand let go of her breast to caress her thigh slowly going to her clothed cunt.

"Fuck! You're so wet love." I felt her wetness on her underwear. I continue massaging her pussy while she's moaning then I suck her breast again.

"F-fuck! Please." She said moaning. She grip at the bed sheet so tight. Oh my Lisa is so impatient. I smirked.

My hand reach the hem of her underwear when suddenly....


Liam's tiny shout voice echoed the room. I forgot that I didn't lock the door. I immediately cover our body with the duvet. I saw Lisa's shocked face. I look at Liam's direction only to find out that he's with Irene and Seulgi who's now turned back. I facepalm myself. F*ck. My son is big cock blocker. Don't get me wrong because I love him but damn my buddy is really hard. He run towards us and jump on us.

"Yah! Dada! What awe you doing to my mommy?! Why mommy is shouting?! You'we hurting mommy!!" He shout at me while smacking me with his tiny hands. Oh no baby if only you knew what kind of hurting I would do to your mommy.

"No baby. No. I am not hurting your mommy okay." I said as I hold both of her hands. Lisa is still hiding under the duvet because her underwear is the only left that covers her body.

"Bae!" I called Irene instead of Seulgi. "Can you please get Liam we'll get dress first." I added and she did right away. They all turned their back.

I gave Lisa my oversized shirt which she gladly wear so fast. I walk to the closet cover my upper body with her robe that I got from the floor. After I wear my shirt I faced them.

"I'm done." I said to get their attention then face me. "Thanks for bringing Liam here." I added sounded a bit sarcastic.

"You're welcome." Irene smiled teasingly at me. "Next time lock your door." Seulgi added and laugh.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I glared at Seulgi.

"Your son opened it already before we knock." Irene said and laugh this time too. "Scold him not us." Seulgi added. Then I look at Liam who's standing innocently beside his mother.

"Try it Jennie." Lisa said before I could say anything.

"No, I won't do that of course." I said. "I love this little guy." I added as I carried him and pinch his cheek. "But a big cock blocker." I whispered.

"You're saying something?" Lisa raised her brow at me like she didn't felt embarassed in front of our friends while looking down at the floor. I shake my head answering her.

The two just laugh at us. They both look at us teasingly before they totally walked out the room.

I put Liam down the bed when he yawned because he's still sleepy. Lisa walk to other side of the bed and lay down beside Liam. She looks so hot in my oversized shirt thoough. I forgot that my buddy is still hard. Maybe I'll just wait for them to fall asleep before I take care of my buddy if I still am, hard.

But I cannot hide the fact that I am feeling so happy right now not because of what is about to happen to us a while but because Lisa is officially my girl friend. My next move now is to make them officially mine by making them both a Kim.

It feels so good to sleep now with a big smile on my face and a happy heart too.

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