Part 56

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Lisa's POV

It's been a week since I came back to work. I recovered a bit fast from the trauma and the therapy is doing good. Maybe because I really got used to it minus the abduction. I am getting better and the baby inside me that's why I can go back to work but I won't stress myself. Jennie and I agreed that I will work less.

The first day that I came back, my manager that I let handle the café told me that someone is looking for me. He visits my café everyday to wait for me if I will go here. He didn't tell my manager his name and told her that he will wait me until I come back. But since I came he didn't show up because my manager told me that he said he had an emergency but will come back again if he's free.

Now, I am wondering who could that be. But I didn't think of it right now because I have a lot work to do that I miss. I will just wait for that person to come back to know who is he. I am not that scared anymore because Jaehyun is already in jail and I have bodyguards outside. And they told me he looks harmless so I don't have to worry. I will tell this to Jennie when she picks me up.

I put down the paper I am reading when I heard my phone rings. I know already who's calling me because she always checks me up.

"Hi love!" I greeted when I answered the call and her face showed up on my screen.

"Hey. It's lunch time already, are you still working?" Jennie said on the other line.

"Yes while I am waiting for my food." I said smiling.

"Okay. Stop for now while you're waiting." She said giving me her warning look but smile after.

"Yes love. We're hungry too." I said and pout.

"Oh my two babies are hungry. I'll tell them to give your food next time a little early." She said.

"It's okay love. Maybe it's com-" I didn't finish what I am saying when I heard a knock and the door open. "My food is already here love. You don't have to worry anymore." I continued.

"That's good love. Enjoy your lunch. I'll call you later before I fetch you." She said and smile. My staff put down my food on my table and went out after I mouthed her thank you.

"Okay love. You too. I love you, bye." I said and show her my kiss on the screen.

"Bye. I love you too. I'll call Liam after you before my meeting starts." And she did the same.

"Okay, love. Bye." Then I ended the call.

While I am eating, I am just watching some in Netflix on my laptop. Then I got a facetime call from my son. He just showed me what they did in his home schooling, a drawing of his family. Me, Jennie and him. After that he dropped the call because he will eat his lunch also. 

After I eat, I continue my work, I read all the papers and check my inventory. I think I need to contact some of my supplier. After an hour or two, I heard a knock from my door and the manager peeked her head and smiled at me.

"Hey. You need anything?" I asked and stop what I am doing.

"Hmm. Ms. Lisa, you remembered what I told you about someone is looking for you?" She asked as she totally entered my office still at the door.

"Ah.. Yes, what about it?" I asked.

"Well, Ms. Lisa, he's outside. Should I tell him to wait you outside? Since, you're still busy." She told me and smile after.

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