Part 8

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Lisa's POV

It's been 3 days after the meeting at the Kim's Corp. and I am still waiting for their update. I am worried that maybe I won't gonna get the deal. I really need them to invest in my business because it will really help me to branch out. 

Currently I have two branches already but this time I can't add more branch since I really can't handle it on my own and I really need more budget to build another one. I really don't have anyone to trust here in this country except for myself, I mean I trust my staff but it's different to someone who you can really rely on. My second branch is not that big as my main branch. I entrust the second branch to the manager I assigned there since he has a good background. At my main branch I see them as my friends already especially the manager but not to the point that I let them know who I really am. We are all talking casually, make fun with each other or bond with them after working time so I guess it's enough for me to call them my friends.

I became friends to the one who handle the construction of my cafe, ever since the opening of my cafe she always visits but not everyday, sometimes her girlfriend is with her and actually her girlfriend is the who is always here every morning or evening buying a take out coffee only to find out that she's a doctor and that explains why she needs coffee everyday.


I am now going to my office at the main branch and decided to just eat my lunch there when I get there. I am with my son now because he doesn't want me to go without him. I can't leave him with nana as of the moment because of his tantrums, he woke up with his bad dreams so that's why he won't leave my side or let me out of his sight.

While we're eating our lunch inside my office, phone rings and let my son eat alone. 

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone call.

"Is this Ms. Manoban?" Replied on the other line.

"Yes, speaking." 

"This is Jennie Kim,  I just want to ask you about the next meeting. When are you free? Sorry if I called late I got busy this past few days." She said.

"Oh it's okay Ms. Kim no worries. Tomorrow I am free and the days after." I replied feeling desperate to meet as soon as posible because I really need this.

"Okay tomorrow then? I'll just message you the time." She said and I smiled widely celebrating in my mind.

"Thank you Ms. Kim." I replied and hang up the phone. Then went towards my son and kiss his head a lot and lastly to his lips even if it's oily. I just wipe my lips with my hands and giggled at him because he wipes his mouth too. 

I am just happy right now even if I know to myself that I am not sure if I will get the deal or not. But I can't stop myself smiling.


Jennie's POV

I just call Lisa now because I got busy these past few days. We had a sudden board meeting since the chairman got back from his business trip, my father. Then meetings here and there. Listen to the reports my dad asked. So, this is the day my schedule isn't that tight that's why I got to call her. I can just ask my secretary to do that but can't blame I want to hear her voice.

After she thanked me she just ended the call that fast. I wanted to say my goodbye but this woman just hang up on me. Aish... I groaned. I can't wait to see her tomorrow though and smiled at the thought that I got to see her tomorrow.

"Okay you're creeping me out. Why are you smiling?" I startled when I heard someone speak, I didn't notice Seulgi enter my office. 

"Yah! Don't you know how to knock." I said annoyed at her. "So, why are you smiling?" She said as she sat down on the couch. "None of your business" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh before I forgot, have you schedule a meeting with Lisa already?" She asked. 

"About that, yes I already talked to her a few minutes ago." I replied.

"Oh that explain why you're smiling. I get it." She said teasinly.

"Whatever Kang." I said roliing my eyes at her again because she's really annoying me and she just laugh at me.

We just ate our lunch and continue working after. It's kind of our routine too that we are eating lunch together in my office unless we have meetings seperately.

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