Part 21

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Jennie's POV

I am happy right now, really happy. I got to take them both to a date. We look like a happy family when we're outside eating dinner and at the ice cream parlor. I am happy to see them both happy. I can see how Lisa loves Liam so much. Tonight I decided to tell Lisa how I feel, how I wanted to take care both them. They both deserve to have someone who can be with them. Lisa deserve someone who can love his son too. I know that if want to be with Lisa, I need to love his son too and I love him already. The kid needs a father figure to be with too. Even if Liam is not from me I can love him like he's my own.

We were here inside Liam's bedroom. Liam and I just finished taking a bath, Liam wanted me bath him so I did. Then Liam requested that I should sleep next to him. Lisa was about to protest but I stopped her telling that it's okay. So, she said that she will just make a tea while I am making Liam sleep. So, this the feeling of having a family of your own. And I don't have a plan to stop this feeling because I want this. I want them.

After a few minutes Liam's door opened revealing Lisa and walk towards us. Liam is asleep already while hugging me. Lisa help me to move Liam so he won't wake up, Lisa kissed Liam's forehead before we left the room and went straight to their living room.

"Thank you for making sleep." Lisa said as she hand me the cup of tea.

"No worries, I love doing that." I replied then sip the tea.

"Sorry he made you do that." She said then drank her tea.

"I told you it's okay no need to say sorry." I said.

She didn't reply, we just continue drinking our tea. We had a comfortable silence until I finished drinking my tea and face her after I put down my cup to the table.

"Lisa." I called her and she faced me after she drank her tea.

"I know this is early for you. We've just known each other for months but I am sure to what I am going to tell you." I said looking straight to her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked then I hold her hand.

"The moment I first laid my eyes on you I felt something different. Every time I am being with you the more I realized that I want to know you more. I know that you are hard to trust someone but I want you to trust me. I won't force to tell me everything about you because I can wait until you're ready. I like you Lisa. I really like you" I said sincerely but she's just looking at me silently.

"Please say something." I said getting anxious about her reply. What if she doesn't want to let anyone in to her life?

"I don't know what to say." She replied then look down on her lap. "I.. I'm scared." She added in a low tone.

"Why? Why are you scared?" I asked her.

"I have a plus one Jennie. I have a son already. I am not a woman who you dream about. I got pregnant by someone you don't know. If you like me you need to like my son too. And I don't want you to have a responsibility this early because I have a son. We're not going to be a normal couple because of my son. What if one day you got tired of me of us? What if one day you'll realize that I am not the woman you want because one day you'll realize that I am just a woman with a kid that that's not even yours? I don't want to hurt my son, he likes you already Jennie." She said then face my crying. I just cupped her face and wipe her tears.

"I know what I am doing Lisa. Don't think like that about yourself. You are not just a woman Lisa. You deserve to be happy, you and Liam deserves a complete family. At first I know that I am going to love your son if I want to have you. I don't care about the responsibility I am going to have because I would gonna love doing that. I want to take care of you and Liam and protect the both of as well. Hurting you and Liam is not on my list. If ever I am going to hurt the both of you it will be unintentional. I promise to the both that I will love you both wholeheartedly. I will love Liam as my own I'll treat him as my own son. I just want you to trust me? Please?" I said sincerely looking at her eyes while still holding both of her arms.

"But I can't promise you to open up too early. I want to trust you but I am still scared." She replied looking at my eyes then her tears started to fall again.

"I know. I know. I promise I won't hurt you both. I will prove myself to you and to Liam. Will you trust me? Will you let me have you both in my life? Will you let me in to you and Liam's life? will you let me court you? And Liam as well?" I asked her sincerely. I want to do this.

"Yes." She replied while nodding. "But please give me time and don't pressure me. Is it okay?" She added.

"More than okay Lisa." I said happily and hug her then she hugs me back. "Thank you so much for giving me a chance Lisa. Thank you. You don't know how happy that makes me." I added and kiss the top of her head. She just comfortably place her face on my chest.

After a few minutes of hugging I let go of her because I need to go home already. It's getting late.

"I'll go ahead now Lisa. From now on I will pick up you up and drop you home. Okay?" I said as we both stand up from her couch.

"You don't have to do that. I can drive myself." She replied.

"No, I want to do that. I just want to make sure that you're safe." I argued.

"But-" I cut her off.

"No buts. I will do that from now on. And I won't gonna remove Liam's car seat on my car." I said then we are now in front of my car.

"Okay fine." Lisa said and just rolled her eyes on me. "But thank you." She added.

"No. Thank you. Thank you again for giving me a chance." I hug her then she hug me back and nodded.

"Go now. It's getting late. Take care driving." She said as she pull out the hug.

"Thank you. Now go inside you take a rest." I said she just nodded smiling. I hug her again because I love the feeling of hugging her and I won't get tired of hugging her.

"Bye. Take care." She said then suddenly kissed my cheeks and run inside their house without looking back. And here I am smiling like an Idiot and froze on my spot feeling like a teenager who got kissed by her crush.

I immediately lay down on my bed when I reached my room. Thinking of what just happened a while ago. I am happy she allow me to court her. From now on I promise to prove myslef to them. I will take care of them and protect them. I will make them feel safe when they're with me. They both deserve to be happy, they both deserve the world could offer. I will complete their family. I won't gonna fail them. I will gonna love them with all my heart.

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