Part 7

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Lisa's POV

I parked my car when I reach our house and went straight inside the house. I stopped by at the convenience store while I'm on way home and bought ice cream as promise to my little guy. I enter inside the house.

"Baby? Love? I'm home. Where's my baby boy?" I shouted a bit roaming my eyes inside the house while walking. And found him at the living room playing his toys.

"Mommy!" He shouts to with excitement and smiling while running towards me. 

"Hey, no running right?" I said as I kneeled down to level him and he hugs me tightly as he nodded. "Yes mommy. Sowwy mommy." He replied while hugging me. "It's okay but nextime no running okay?" I said and pulled him away he nodded and kiss me on my lips. "Okay my good boy." I said and showed him the ice cream I bought. "Yey! ice cweam let's eat ice cweam mommy!" He said while jumping happily and I stand up holding his tiny hand.

"Let's eat lunch first okay then after that you can have your ice cream while we're watching your favorite disney movie, okay?" I said to him while we're walking towards the dining room.

"Okay mommy let's eat wice come on!" He said pulling me and I just giggled at him. I put the ice cream inside the fridge first. And nana already preparing our lunch at the dining table. Then we eat our lunch without Liam making a mess since I am letting him eat by himself but still feed him with my own spoon. 

"Ice cream time!" I said then sit beside him at couch in the living room then play his favorite disney movie, aladdin. But the animated one. 

As the movie starts we are eating the ice cream while he's sitting in my lap leaning his back at me and his head in my shoulder but in the level of my armpit.

Jennie's POV

I am sitting in my swivel chair while for Seulgi and Irene. I hate that Seulgi really knows me, aish! I asked Yerim to just order our food for lunch since I'm not in the mood to eat outside even if I'm not that busy today. I will just do some of my work in advance, check my mail, read and sign some of the papers that's on my table.

"We're hungry already Jen let's go and eat stop working for now." Seulgi said as they enter my office.

"I already asked Yerim to order our food I'm not in the to eat out." I replied without looking at her still reading some paper.

"As always, fine! But can you stop working for now." Seulgi said and they sat on the couch.

"What?" I said and look ate her annoyingly. "Don't what us Jennie Kim. Just stop working." Irene speak this time. "Okay, so what now?" I said as I stop reading and lean at my chair. "We saw it, you checked her out." Irene said to me. "What do you guys mean?" I replied as if I don't know what they mean.

"She's your type right?" Seulgi said smiling, more like teasing me. "I don't know what you're talking about  guys." I said rolling my eyes at them. "Don't worry Jen we will help you. We like her already." Irene replied this time. "You guys just met her this morning how can you like her already." I said as I stand up and sit on the single couch. "The same reason as you, but we like her differently. We like her to be our friend. You? you like her we know." Seulgi said. "Whatever floats your boat." I replied and at the same time our foods arrived already.

Not gonna lie though, they're right. I guess she really is my type but of course I will get to know her more. One of the reason why I need to set another meeting so I can see her again but I really need to recheck her proposal don't get me wrong. Although I'm sure that we will see each other more often since I decided already that I'll invest to her because I am really impress to her. She starts her business alone as she said in the meeting. Same as my grandfather who started this company alone. I know she can make it big too, she really needs me. Oh I mean she really needs my company.

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